Yung Namahage

25, UK ????

Articles by Yung Namahage
VTuber Accidentally Reveals Porn Collection on Stream
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  7286  •   1 31
It's easy to forget sometimes that VTubers are people too. Behind every real-time animated anime character is a streamer like any other, with interests that might contradict those of the character they portray.One example of this is Lauren Iroas, a (male) NISANJI affiliate who recently got caught slipping on stream. While opening the desktop after a game of Valorant, a Windows Explorer ...
Fullmetal Alchemist Live-Action Gets Two Sequels
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  2828  •   0 10
Hollywood's live-action adaptations of anime and Japanese versions tend to suck for different reasons. Western ones likeDragonball Evolution or Netflix'sDeath Note take a lot of liberties with their respective source material, which could put off fans of the franchise. Japanese movies likeAttack on Titan or... Death Note, on the other hand, may do a decent job of translating their ...
Maidenless? Meet Melina
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  8802  •   4 8
These past few days I've been roaming the Lands Between, getting my ass handed to me over and over and coming back for more everytime.FromSoft refined and elevated theSouls formula to a whole new level withElden Ring;creating a brand-new dark fantasy world distinct enough fromDemon'sandDark Souls but with that cozy end-of-the-world vibe the games are known for. Expect knights, dragons, ...
Funimation's Anime Comes to Crunchyroll
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  2638  •   1 11
Sony's acquisition of Crunchyroll last year was a big deal in the world of anime streaming. Already the owners of Funimation, they now own not just Crunchyroll but also Wakanim, a streaming site popular in Europe that was formerly a part of Crunchyroll.The effects of this merger are now starting to take place as Funimation's and Wakanim's anime libraries and simulcasts will be heading ...
Beyblade Live-Action Spins into Production
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  2695  •   0 11
Paramount seem to be getting cocky lately. Sure,Sonic was succesful and there's a lot of hype for the sequel, but announcing a third movie and a spin-off series already has people thinking they've jumped the gun. And now they've picked up another Japanese series to add to their slate of Hollywood adaptations, according to Deadline.Beybladestarted life as a line of battlingbeigoma ...
Nier Automata Gets Anime Adaptation
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  2809  •   1 11
i've seen leaks and rumors appearing on Twitter lately but now it's been confirmed:Nier Automata is getting the anime treatment!During a livestream celebrating the game's fifth anniversary, a characteristically stylish yet cryptic teaser trailer cropped up announcing that an anime series was in production atFullmetal Alchemiststudio Aniplex."The stage is a far future where humanity ...
Street Fighter 6 Unveiled by Capcom
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  3037  •   1 11
A mysterious timer on the Capcom website had people guessing these past few weeks. It's been a while sinceResident Evil Villagewas released; could this be our first look at DLC? Or maybe brand new Capcom IP? Nope, Here's Ryu looking bigger and beefier than ever, squaring off againstStreet Fighternewbie Luke.Luke is an American MMA fighter who served in the military under Guile, ...
What's Bettter than Nude Tifa? Nude Tifa in 4K!
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  10387  •   2 11
Isn't it crazy how fast modders work these days? It's been about a month since a livestream of an Italian Senate meeting went viral due to a sudden outburst ot Tifa porn. Now you can put Tifa in that exact same outfit inFinal Fantasy 7 on PC! And by that I mean: nothing!OK, I know what a nude mod is.This isn't even the first for theFinal Fantasy 7remake, but creator Jenovation seems ...
Kotobukiya Figures Put the Trans in Tranformers
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  3705  •   2 14
Figurine manufacturer Kotobukiya are known for their high quality models and creative designs. Their Bishoujo range, as the name suggests, is packed full of gorgeous PVC waifu figurines from a variety of licenses, ranging from Marvel toMy Little Pony. There's also genderbent versions of certain characters, including horror icons like Pennywise and Jason Voorhees. One of my favorite ...
Paramount Confirms Sonic 3 & Knuckles TV Spin-Off
By Yung Namahage3 years ago
•  2922  •   2 9
Fan reception towardSonic 2 has been positive so far. A lot of people are excited to see Ben Schwartz' Sonic square off against Knuckles, voiced by Idris Elba sounding way sexier than he needs to be. So many people that Paramount must've noticed, and like with the last movie they're taking note of fan reception and responding accordingly. Only this time the fans actually like what ...