
Got tired of ghost writing for Kinky and got a real account. I do the game reviews a lot. But I don't play games with your heart. 

I code for Kinky's game Personality which is kinda shit but don't tell him I said that.

When I'm not here, I'm snoozing at @WakeUpSnooze.

I hope you guys enjoy my articles, if you do, please remember to smash that motherfucking like button on them and leave a comment below.

Articles by WakeUpSnooze
Saying Goodbye To Summer Anime 2024 And Doujins.com
Buckle up boys, the best season of the year is coming. That's right, between spooky festivals and huge meals with family and friends (that doesn't involve scouring around for gifts at the store), fall is back to save my year. Before that happens though, we've got to say goodbye to the shows of summer that kept us entertained during the heat. Well, some of them anyway. A lot of these ...
Netflix Teases Devil May Cry Anime
Strap in boys, you're going to need some dual pistols because Netflix is priming to bring Devil May Cry to their anime lineup next year in April of 2025. The adaptation will consist of eight episodes and they confirmed Johnny Yong Bosch (Ichigo, Lelouch) will be taking the role of Dante. The teaser trailer has been released and you can check it out for yourself if you want to see ...
Frieren Journeys Beyond With Second Season
Most of the time, it’s the shocking announcements that drive you to the edge of your seat and get you hyped as hell. A second season for some enjoyable yet underground anime I never expected to see receive another installment can get my fist pumping in the air much more than say another season of Jujutsu Kaisen. Now, I probably enjoy JJK much more than a regular quality seasonal ...
Palworld Comes To PS5 As Nintendo Launches Lawsuit
I'm late as hell to covering this story, but that means I'm right on time according to Nintendo's latest actions in the legal world. We all remember the meteoric rise of Palworld. That game was on every streamers' rotation and beyond that, even regular gamers were hopping in to experience "Pokémon with guns". I never hopped on the bandwagon myself but the appeal was easy to see: ...
Fate Trigger Injects Pure Anime Into Fortnite Formula
You’ve heard of anime in Fortnite, but now get ready for anime Fortnite. That’s right, the anime artstyle takeover continues with another Chinese company taking a popular game format and trying to turn it into an anime-themed version. We’ve had a ton of announcements lately like Neverness To Everness and Project: Mugen, which both seem to take a lot of elements and inspiration ...
The $700 Playstation 5 Pro
For a long time, games looked like shit. You’d see a little blip on screen shooting tiny white pellets out and smacking into other blips and have to piece together from the box art what the hell you’re looking at. Over time graphics improved to the point where games look so gorgeous it’s unlikely your device is even maxing out their potential visual grandeur unless you spent ...
Persona 3 Reload DLC, And Game Burnout
Brace yourselves Persona fans, it won't be long before some DLC for Persona 3 Reload comes around the corner. Atlus recently unveiled a new trailer showing off some key aspects from the upcoming continuation to the story, Episode Aigis. If you've read the blog for a while you know that Persona 3 is one of my most beloved games of all time, and THE game that has had the highest impact ...
Japanese Stage Plays Are Built Different
One thing I never understood when I'm browsing anime-related news for article topics was the overabundance of constant stage play announcements. In America, theater is a pretty niche hobby. No one I know enjoys going to see stage plays live on a regular basis and it's far more common for people to be frequent movie or concert goers. That's not to say America has no appreciation ...
Crunchyroll Finds Success With Kaiju No.8 "Appointment Viewing"
Last week I saw some third party articles that reported Crunchyroll had successfully implemented "appointment viewing" for Kaiju No.8 and that they had plans to continue that premier style for other upcoming anime. I had to take some steps backwards. First, what the hell is an "appointment viewing"? After researching I figured out it's just corporate speak for an audience tuning ...
Say Hello To Summer Anime 2024!
My AC has not stopped running for a month straight, which means it's time to hop into the first impressions for Summer Anime 2024! As is typical it's filled with a ton of isekai that I'll be skipping plus several romances that I'll probably allow to fly under my radar. Anywho there are some productions I'm excited about so let's get those bathing suits ready and dive into the new ...