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Palworld Comes To PS5 As Nintendo Launches Lawsuit
By WakeUpSnooze • 5 months ago
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I'm late as hell to covering this story, but that means I'm right on time according to Nintendo's latest actions in the legal world. We all remember the meteoric rise of Palworld. That game was on every streamers' rotation and beyond that, even regular gamers were hopping in to experience "Pokémon with guns". I never hopped on the bandwagon myself but the appeal was easy to see: it was a Pokémon game that actually dared to do something different with the gameplay. The inspiration was tangible though, and at the time the community constantly joked about Nintendo planning to sue the devs as many of the "Pal" designs were suspiciously similar to Pokémon. Welp, months after Palword's peak when it's not even a big talking point anymore, Nintendo has decided to enact vengeance and attack the company with a lawsuit... against the game mechanics?

That's right. While many folks predicted a lawsuit to smack Palworld around for plagiarized creature designs, so far the reports for this case indicate that Nintendo is attempting to focus on patent theft. Patents are more for inventions and innovations rather than creature designs (as that falls more into copyright). If you're thinking "wait, what the fuck, but that's the main unique part of Palworld" and are very confused,  that was the general response to this lawsuit's announcement. Nintendo has an incredibly strong copyright theft case and for some reason are choosing to try and confront Palworld for doing the thing they refuse to do with their modern games: innovate. While Palword is visually very reminiscent of Pokémon, the presence of shit like automatic rifles, crafting, and real-time battles clearly distinguish the gameplay mechanics and puts the game in its own lane. From what we can see so far, it appears Nintedo are trying to say they stole their patent of using spheres to catch creatures or some ultra-generic shit like that. Gamers are extremely disappointed by this move as game mechanic patents are usually very shit and restrictive for the industry overall. It's why you don't see anyone putting minigames in the loading screen, or the popular Nemesis System from Middle-earth: Shadow of War seeing other interpretations. Those systems are locked down by patents. Speaking of system, at least Palworld just announced its arrival on PS5 at the State of Play baby. Looks like they aren’t prepared to go down without a fight.

No Gojo, don't use the forbidden Nintendo Brand Circular Capture Device!!!

Just like my article, it's so late it's hard to understand the point in the first place. Nintendo are scrambling after the fact to try and limit the creative freedom of the game industry even further while they refuse to come up with new ideas for Pokémon games themselves. Fans are sad. Devs are sad. I'm sad. I wonder if this company even has any goodwill left these days. Did you hear about the lawsuit? Did you play Palworld back during the craze? Did you expect Nintendo to take the patent angle? Grab a spherical object, toss it at a non-descript animal-like being, and hide your finances in the comments below!

tanakaba 5 months ago
Are the Pokemon games not making enough money anymore, that they have to take other people's money too?
WM-R 5 months ago
It really is a strange angle to attack from. It'd be like if Hasbro tried to shut down Bandai from marketing model kits and toys of the Zeta Gundam in the US because they have the patent on "humanoid robot that converts into an aerial vehicle" via Starscream.

Wasn't there some brouhaha that it was found the patent was only applied for after Palworld had already been released?
Anon - Yuuuuup 5 months ago
MrObvious 5 months ago
It's remarkable Nintendo did not sue the day it launched back in January knowing them. I suspected they would but here we are. Quite the far cry from when Nintendo decisively won E3, while the others could only pander and deny gamers what they want while mass scrapping sequels to classics that had potential. But as said, Nintendo is a control freak company.
revan193 5 months ago
Nintendo had patents done after Palworld release just to have a "reason" to sue, f them, their consoles and future games.
Anon - x hunter 5 months ago
the most mindboggling part of this patent lawsuit, and the part not said here, is that the patent its about is the "monster catching mechanic"
you toss an object at a creature to catch it

thats the patent for the lawsuit.
theres tons and tons of non-pokemon games that use that. even pokemon got it from a very old ultraman episode.
the F?
vakoonna 5 months ago
Nintendo didn't even care originally, but Pokemon fans that were butthurt over Palworld being successful kept bothering Nintendo about Palworld "stealing" Pokemon designs.
Nintendo then investigated, failed the copyright claims as nothing was exactly copied and then resorted to this patent suit instead.
It's just petty.
rubber_egg 5 months ago
So many butthurt palworld fans lol
BootyHunter 5 months ago
Nintendo allows Nods that are Kinship, & never allow any of Thier Games on another Systems, Nintendo doesn't want to be Jynxed like SEGA (Super Stition).. As for Palworld, it was probably an Insult more then a Nod, not a Love Letter like Dragon Quest Series, World of Final Fantsy, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Yu-Gi-Oh!, & Duel Master.. Just to Clarified to Comments & Statements for all Decades..
Gennos 5 months ago
I'm surprised Nintendo waited this long to do so. It's a rather interesting situation because while you have many people that don't want Nintendo to so so, pretty everyone was like: wow, Palworld is going to get sued. Nintendo isn't perfect, but at least they aren't [yet] infested with societal cancer like the rest of the industry. Comments about "goodwill" is mostly people being butthurt.