They can’t keep getting away with this. I feel like I talk about a NSFW creator losing their account because they’ve been hacked at least once a month. I know it can’t be that easy to hack people, all you have to do is be aware of the scam, and avoid it. Or atleast, that’s what I thought. Maybe people are more gullible than I thought.
Another simple tactic, that I thought was easy to avoid and notice, but I guess I was wrong. It seems like this simple “I thought you hacked me, so I contacted Twitter to get you banned, but learned it was a fake, and now I need help to get your account back” strategy, seems to be working really well for these scammers. I’m not sure how, but if it works don’t fix it I guess.
It’s getting to a point that many NSFW creators are noticing it, and weighing they’re opinion on the whole issue.
I’m not sure if this is finally going to be the time where people finally learn that you don’t have to give some random person or your friend all your information just so you aren’t banned. Twitter is not going to tell you to randomly DM someone on Discord, I whole different platform that has nothing to do with Twitter mind you, to help get your account back. If anything, Twitter would just tell you to email Twitter support, without needing a third party's help. Stop with the knee jerk reactions, and actually think for a second, and process the situation. These hackers can’t keep taking these creators' livelihoods away from them. And us, ourselves, have to be the ones to protect ourselves and not be tricked.
Why are people getting fouled by these hacks? Who’s going to be next? Do you think you would ever be tricked? Tell us in the comments.