It’s that time of the year again baby. You didn’t think I let you off the hook just because last night was the big party night, right? We’ve officially got a whole year ahead of us for 2023, and I thought we as a fap-loving community should take some time to make some raunchy resolutions for the New Year. I won’t hold back, 2022 was an absolute shitstain for me in about every possible fashion so I’m a happy boy to leave the woes of that time period behind me. On the bright side, I did manage to complete my resolution from last year of organizing my doujins up and going through the ENTIRE catalog of releases with the yuri and futa tags on the site. That shit was not easy, but damn I’m proud to say it’s done. I’ve fallen off a bit as I’m now a couple pages behind on both tags, however it still has come in handy dozens of times where I simply want to get a quick fap in using tried and tested material. Ironically though, this year I want to make another resolution that somehow will probably be even harder for me.
This time around, I want to learn how to say goodbye to mediocre porn and doujins. Let’s be honest, even porn follows basic statistics and thus for most tags you’re going to have a few horrendous creations, a bunch of mid shit, and a few beautiful masterpieces. Since most doujinshi contain little dialogue and are only about 30 pages, it’s pretty easy to wade through the basic shit and if it isn’t good, say bye bye. Unfortunately my psycho ass isn’t as strong when it comes to JAVs. Japanese live action porn videos are a different breed. Each one of those bitches is like 2-3 hours and depending on the video, you can be in a completely different setting, focusing on completely different kinks by the end of it. That means for me to keep up I gotta skim through this feature length film, identify if anything is worth adding it to the collection for, and either slap it to the list or forget about it. And I should forget about most of these videos. I should. But dammit at 3 AM I sit there thinking “but will I ever find a blowjob done in that particular fashion ever again? Can I really afford to forget about this one and never come back to it?” Yes you fucking cuck, just let it go. And thus, you see my issue.
Man I remember when I was young and didn't need resolutions. Good times.
So this year, in a different turn of events my resolution is to let mediocre porn go more often and not save a bunch of okay shit to my collection that I never fap to, never come back to, and just overall don’t care about one bit. After all, what’s the point of collecting and safeguarding porn if you don’t even care about half the pieces you have in the vault? For some reason my mind hates the idea of missing out, but this year it’s time to put that shit behind me and spend more time appreciating the greats instead of saving the average. Oh and I guess getting to actually fuck someone would be nice. Do you have any resolutions for the new year? Any resolutions pertaining to doujins or porn in general? Light a firework, drink some beer, and say hello to 2023 in the comments below!
I'm gonna try to get in touch with artists on Twitter and elsewhere to spread my Possum Girl stories farther.
That and creating my versions of Skullgirls characters for my stories. I've already started with Black Dahlia.
Still dealing with those health issues and still very busy, so I'm going through a series of tests and sorting out my life so I can actually have the time to fuck someone.