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We Might Get Another Live-Action Dragon Ball
By Yung Namahage β€’ 5 years ago
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It might be one of the most popular anime series of all time, but Dragon Ball hasn't had much of a presence in the world of live-action. Lord knows Evolution was a disgrace to the source material, but the legendary series may be getting another shot at the silver screen courtesy of Disney.

We Got This Covered apparently recieved a tip from an anonymous source claiming that Disney, who gained the film rights to the franchise after their acquisition of 21st Century Fox, are planning on making a live-action reboot based on Goku & co. The source also claims that the movie will feature a significant budget and an all-Asian cast, so it's safe to assume it'll be more accurate to the original than the last movie.

It's easy to dismiss this as bullshit but it does seem kinda plausible in my eyes. Live-action anime adaptations are a bit of a trend in Hollywood at the minute; we've recently had western takes on AlitaGhost in the Shell and Death Note (for better or worse) plus we've got a few to look forward to, including My Hero Academia, Akira and Cowboy Bebop. If Disney were to get in on the trend they'd do so with a bang, and a highly-regarded series like Dragon Ball will definitely get people talking. It's also worth mentioning that the same anonymous source leaked that the live-action Aladdin remake was happening before it was announced, but for now Disney's Dragon Ball is just a rumour.

What do you think of this rumour? Would Disney do Dragon Ball justice? Who would be your ideal cast? Let us know in the comments!

Oddest Ball 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
Considering this is the company that makes subpar-to-trash live action reboots of their own animated works with absolutely no understanding of why the animated versions will always be the superior versions, be afraid. Be very afraid.
Anon - Jimbo Jones 5 years ago
Don't know why I thought this,

George Takei as Master Roshi
tanakaba 5 years ago
I don't see using an all-Asian cast as a plus or negative. I liked Evolution for all its problems, but I don't think casting was one of them.

For Japanese Goku purists, I hope they cast Goku as a little grandma. Or at least dub the actor's voice with one.
Anon - Bryan Masten 3 years ago
Tell ya what, why not leave any DB live-action reboots in the hands of RobotUnderDog, even without a Hollywood budget it would be hundreds of times more accurate then the abortion we actually got!
zeroxros7 5 years ago
Nope! Nope to this and nope to every other upcoming live action you mentioned in this.
Anon - Noooo! 5 years ago
The only response:
Anon - raptor4d4 5 years ago
Considering what Disney did to Star Wars, I'm dreading this prospect with all my heart and soul. At best I think Disney might do a better job than the original movie but that's kind of a low standard. I enjoyed Alita so sometimes live action adaptations can do well but I think Dragon Ball is one of those series best left alone.
Necromorph 5 years ago
Just mentioning Disney is cause for concern. They may be a giant, but that's only because they're smart, they know where to invest so their money keeps making more money for them. A monopoly doesn't actually have to be good, point and case Disney or literally any other monopoly like Walmart, Spectrum, National Grid, etc.
Anon - make it a parody 3 years ago
team four-star
umknown 3 years ago
I think the fighting should take notes from the Man of Steel where Superman fights against the other Kryptonians. Other than that I'd rather just have more Anime movies.