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Would You Be Mad If You Caught Your Girlfriend Kissing Another Girl?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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Sometimes, you have a little too much to drink, and you just can’t control yourself. Wake up, learn that you bought a pet cat, had a fight with some biker dude, and your girlfriend KISSED A GIRL!!!

Well, that's not kissing. That's making out!

This art drawn by ThiccWithaQ got me thinking, “How mad would I be if I saw my girlfriend kissing a girl?” This picture of Amber and Keqing is hot as hell, I can stare at it all day. But you can see that Amber is trying to tell the drunk Keqing that she has a boyfriend. Now this might be hot as fuck, but what if I was Amber boyfriend and caught a glimpse of this. Now let’s get this out of the way, if it was a boy, I don’t care if one of them was drunk, I’d be mad as fuck. Now, if I knew that Keqing, or another girl was drunk, I feel like I would let it slide. My girlfriend is trying to get away, but she can’t. Now if they were just kissing for fun, now that’s a different story. Yeah it’s hot as hell, but where does that leave me? Once you have a taste of good chicken, it’s hard to forget about it and not go back for more. It’s the same for kissing a girl. Once she kisses that girl once, what if she wants more of it. I’m afraid that I’ll become a second choice. So I would be a little pissed off. But if they let me join in, then that might change my mind.

Atleast let me watch with the homies.

Would you let your girlfriend kiss a girl? What would you do if you caught your girlfriend kissing a girl? Would your girlfriend kissing a girl be better than her kissing a boy? Tell us in the comments.

Some-Welsh-Guy 3 years ago
Cheating's cheating. Whether it's with a guy or a chick doesn't really change that
Anon - ThatGuy 3 years ago
Honestly it depends on the circumstances. Like if she was hanging out with me, her bff and they started experimenting or relieving college days, nope no problem. I'd sit back and enjoy frankly. Now if I came home and found her making out with bff, oh man I'd be pissed. Just because it could be hot, no reason to cheat on me.
Anon - Cumsoomer 3 years ago
Long story short, HELL NO. As hot as it is to see 2 women kissing, if I were to catch my girlfriend kissing someone other than me, it would be tantamount to cheating in my eyes. I wouldn't care if it was a guy or girl, at the end of the day cheating is cheating, no matter gender. I wouldn't even care about it becoming a threesome since a relationship is built on trust and if its broken then adios.
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
It depend on the relationship of the couple, if it was a open relationship and the lover was told and aware, it won't be issue but if it was not a open relationship and you caught your girlfriend kissing other girl that would cheating since your girlfriend wasn't faithful to you.
Gennos 3 years ago
"Sometimes, you have a little too much to drink, and you just can’t control yourself". No. That's an excuse for poor impulse control. You cut your losses by kicking these people to the curb. You are either invested in your current relationship or you are not.
Anon - Anti-loli 3 years ago
Nah. My wife and I are both bi and threesomes are extremely fun when done right. Can’t get mad when your getting the most out of it. (You ain’t lived till you have been on the receiving end of a double bj).
LimpNoodle 3 years ago (edited 3 years ago)
If I walked up to see my homie kissing my other homie I’d be mad as hell. Like bro, I’m right here. How could you do this without me?
anon 3 years ago
probably sexism on my end, but i can't see a woman as a "rival" or "threat". My girl doesn't like girls, but if she did, I wouldn't care.
lordotar 3 years ago
ok girls now reverse genders
BrandPercs 3 years ago
now that u put it that way i would hope she wouldnt go for seconds or if so that said friend able to do a threesome. other wise fuq that 1 kiss thats it