Sometimes, you have a little too much to drink, and you just can’t control yourself. Wake up, learn that you bought a pet cat, had a fight with some biker dude, and your girlfriend KISSED A GIRL!!!
Well, that's not kissing. That's making out!
This art drawn by ThiccWithaQ got me thinking, “How mad would I be if I saw my girlfriend kissing a girl?” This picture of Amber and Keqing is hot as hell, I can stare at it all day. But you can see that Amber is trying to tell the drunk Keqing that she has a boyfriend. Now this might be hot as fuck, but what if I was Amber boyfriend and caught a glimpse of this. Now let’s get this out of the way, if it was a boy, I don’t care if one of them was drunk, I’d be mad as fuck. Now, if I knew that Keqing, or another girl was drunk, I feel like I would let it slide. My girlfriend is trying to get away, but she can’t. Now if they were just kissing for fun, now that’s a different story. Yeah it’s hot as hell, but where does that leave me? Once you have a taste of good chicken, it’s hard to forget about it and not go back for more. It’s the same for kissing a girl. Once she kisses that girl once, what if she wants more of it. I’m afraid that I’ll become a second choice. So I would be a little pissed off. But if they let me join in, then that might change my mind.
Atleast let me watch with the homies.
Would you let your girlfriend kiss a girl? What would you do if you caught your girlfriend kissing a girl? Would your girlfriend kissing a girl be better than her kissing a boy? Tell us in the comments.