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Is The Boondocks An Anime?
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

This is the start of Black History Month, the shortest month of the year. And since this is a doujins/hentai/manga/anime site, let’s talk about one of the first and biggest black anime out there.

No not that show.

The Boondocks was a show that aired on Adult Swim, and as someone who’s black, I can say that I thought it was funny as hell. I honestly don’t know how people of other races felt about the show's jokes and themes, but I know I enjoyed them. I wonder if The Boondocks gave white people the same vibe some of us Amercians get when we try to watch some anime comedies. The Japanese influences and jokes just don’t hit right, or go right over our heads.

Funny everytime.

But, how many of you would consider The Boondocks an anime? Even though it’s hella black and you can feel that it’s hella American, the art style and animation if def similar to anime. And with some of the anime references sprinkled here and there in the show, you can tell that the team are fans of anime themselves. Hell, I think The Boondocks is more anime than RWBY.

But sadly, if you actually liked The Boondocks and were hoping for more seasons, well, we’re never going to get them, since the show runners thought that it wouldn’t really fit with the current climate of the world right now, and no, I’m not talking about weather. The people behind The Boondocks, felt that with how sensitive people are now, The Boondocks would just cause a lot of outcry and drama that would bring the show and the people working on it down. 

So if you’ve never watched The Boondocks, and was afraid to because you’re not black. As a black man, I give you permission to do so, it’s black history month, so it’s nice to celebrate and enjoy the first ever black anime created.

Just for this month.

Have you ever watched The Boondocks? Do you think The Boondocks is an anime? Would you like to see another season of The Boondocks? Tell us in the comments.