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Training Mikasa Into The Perfect Slut
By ImJustThatKinky • 9 months ago
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If there’s any girl that’s a part of the Attack on Titan cast, that has guys in a choke hold is Mikasa. She can even actually put you in a choke hold, and you’ll love every minute of it. Well, let this strong woman train you into a strong Survey Corps member, and you’ll train her into a slut that Eren will love, or maybe, a slut that you’ll love. Ruby is giving us an Attack on Titan NSFW audio today, so enjoy it in all its glory.

Slut Training Mikasa

With more audios to come, you can donate to her Patreon for this audio and more upcoming goodies.

What did you think of the audio? Would you like to train Mikasa?  What character would you like to hear Ruby voice next? Tell us in the comments.