You heard that right. The man who’s doing SUCH A GREAT JOB with Twitter, I mean X, is thinking of making video games GREAT AGAIN!!!
Which doesn't make sense, since games are already great and never stop being great, but okay, pop off I guess. And not only that, but trying to make an A.I. focus game company just sounds dumb and ridiculous in my opinion. But, I lose even more fate when someone who's in support of this idea, Grummz, is getting excited about the idea.
If you’re not familiar with Grummz, he’s one of those guys that people consider a grifter. His takes aren’t really anything of substance, and most of the time sound completely stupid. And his track record of gaming isn’t really that good either. A man who got 600k from backers when he made a Kickstarter for his game, EM-8ER, and 6 years later, this is how it looks.
So many cool and amazing indie games, with paper thin budgets, look better and were released before this game. So if someone like him is on board with this idea, I’m not so sure how much trust I should have in this. Twitter hasn’t really improved that much since Elon became head of it, so I don’t see him improving any aspect of gaming as well.
What do you think of Elon gaming plans? Do you know who Grummz is? Do you think a A.I. video game company could work? Tell us in the comments.
JustThatKinky article.
Day ruined.
Those who scream the loudest against what's "woke" are the ones deepest in slumber. Reality's too scary for them.