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Is Solo Leveling Still Ass?
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 day ago
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TL;TR Yes, the show is still ass…well, in my opinion. 

It’s not like it’s badly animated or that the story is completely trash, but it’s not what I expected it to be after so many hyped it up when the anime was first announced. It’s a show that’s being hard carried by its animation, and the power fantasy of being one of the strongest people ever.

Solo Leveling has been breaking records, surpassing One Piece and bringing in viewerships faster than other shows. Which yes, I will say are some amazing feats, but just because something is breaking records, doesn’t mean it’s all quality. This is def an anime I would have thought was peak back when I was in high school, but nowadays, hype action isn't what I’m into. I like emotion and development when it comes to my action scenes or just story in general. But I guess the average Solo Leveling fans only care about action and aura farming.

Yep, when we finally have a emotional scene with Sunwoo, I mean, Jinwoo, people dislike the fuck out of it. Showing that the average viewers are only here for Jinwoo epic fighting and nothing more. Stories and character are the last thing they care about, which luckily for them, this show barely provides. I only know the main character's name, because every other character seems so irrelevant compared to him. But hey, if you’re into Solo Leveling just for the action, then that’s not a bad thing, I’m only here for that as well. But it takes more than just action for me to consider a show PEAK CINEMA!!!

What do you think of Solo Leveling? Do you think the story is mid? Do you watch it only for the action? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - bleepers 1 day ago
I agree it's ass. the animation is nice, but the story is annoyingly shallow.
I get that it's power fantasy, but the thing that feels weird is it's like every other character is punished for not being the main character.
Especially with the latest arc *SPOILERS* the other S ranks don't lose cause they're evil or careless or anything. They lose cause they're not Jinwoo. It's childish writing imo.
Anon - Tobi Yaza 1 day ago
Yeah this is why Sister Leveling was by far superior in the end
Void-Lord 1 day ago
Haven't watched it myself. However one thing I avoid doing is watching or playing something just because it's been hyped, and anything that I do watch or play, I avoid basing my expectations on such hype.
Anon - reality 1 day ago
Personally read the Manhwa so I'm too biased to make a point.
Anon - What? 21 hours ago
It’s an ass show carried by its animation and story….LMAO. So it’s a good show then.
Anon - binted 1 day ago
I didn't like the rush pacing at all. Even going as far as to cut scenes that were originally in the manwha because someone at A-1 thought it was a good idea to shove 6 arcs in 13 episodes. Not looking forward to ORV adaptation.