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There’s Even Hot Girls in the Stone World
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

You would think all the girls in the stone world would be hairy and unattractive. Well, maybe back in the day in the real world, girls were hairy and unattractive apes, but not in Dr.Stone. In Dr.Stone, we get hot blonde and brown haired girls roaming the world like hot ass savages. Sadly for me, the first female character introduced, Yuzuriha, wasn’t really anything special for me. Just a bland and typical shonen female. 

At this point, I figured that Dr.Stone wouldn’t have any female characters that I found hot or interesting. But then we got introduced to the blonde native herself, Kohaku. I love her weird voice and way of speaking, showing her disconnect from normal society. She was a welcome female inclusion to the show.

And if you’re more into some gender bend fun, here’s Gen and Senku looking mighty thicc.

But let’s be honest, best waifu is Suika all the way dayo.

But then she makes a face like that and it makes you wonder.

Have you been watching Dr. Stone? Who you’re favorite girl in Dr.Stone? Isn’t Suika just the best dayo? Tell us in the comments.