
Got tired of ghost writing for Kinky and got a real account. I do the game reviews a lot. But I don't play games with your heart. 

I code for Kinky's game Personality which is kinda shit but don't tell him I said that.

When I'm not here, I'm snoozing at @WakeUpSnooze.

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Articles by WakeUpSnooze
Monika's Literature Club To Receive New Content
Huh? Apparently I’m being told live that the name of the game is actually Doki Doki Literature Club. I could of sworn I had it right the first time. Oh well. 2020 has already had a pretty wild start so far, and the news only continues to flow. Dan Salvato, who is the head of Team Salvato, who is the development team behind the international sensation that was Doki Doki Literature ...
So, Where Do You Hide Your Stash?
Back in my day, well, the Internet had pretty much already taken off by then. But back in my dad’s day, you couldn’t just go online and find some hot material to jerk off to. Oh no. Your ass would need to head to a store that sold illicit materials, pay money to buy it, carry it home and hide it in a place that nobody could find, and then pray for good luck. There used to be ...
Miku Rides Coach to Coachella 2020
No Miku you're supposed to sign the fan's breasts... you know what, never mind, you'll figure it out when you get here. I had to double check this piece of news when I first heard about it. Sure enough, Hatsune Miku will be making an appearance in Coachella 2020. While I don’t have any personal attachment to the event, I was dumbfounded to learn that one of the most popular music ...
The Battle Against Male Voices In Audio Doujins Rages On
You thought you’d seen the last of me, hadn’t you? After the last time that I wrote about removing male voices from audio doujins, you thought you’d won. And in a way, you did. I mean shit I got called a lot bad names (and gay) for not wanting to hear men’s voices in my audio the last time that I brought it up on the site. But let me tell you my friends: 2020 is a new year. ...
Yandere Sim Partners With A Porn Game!?
First of all, happy new year everybody, I’m a day late since this article didn’t really need to come out on New Year's Day or anything, but man does it feel good to be typing to you guys from 2020. To start the year off, I have a piece of news to explore that involves everyone’s favorite anime murder game: Yandere Simulator. Recently the game announced a new crossover that ...
Miss Kobayashi and Tohru Go Retro in Hentai!
Oh my god, guys I almost missed a fucking Christmas miracle. Luckily there’s still time to talk about it before the year ends. If there’s one thing that’s hard to come by in hentai, it’s yuri. Doujins aren’t too bad, after every new set of releases or so there comes a new one along that’s good enough to fap too. But god everytime I check for some yuri hentai it’s another ...
Ruin Your Christmas With Maggot Baits!
Hey there everyone, in an attempt to spread Christmas cheer and deliver something a bit different to the site, I've been working on this video review for the visual novelMaggot Baits over the course of the last few weeks. The idea came to me much earlier, and when we ran a poll there seemed to be a good amount of interest in the idea. Though as we all know, polls don't exactly capture ...
Winter Anime Are Looking Wack
Whoah whoah chill, before everybody starts coming for my head, this article is going to be about the new anime that are starting up in winter 2020. I’m not talking about Railgun specifically here, though it is wack that there aren’t any boobs for her to grab. Tragic. Anyway, there’s a lot of ongoing established series right now that are coming back or continuing: Haikyuu, ...
Did Hentai Become Mainstream This Decade?
Well everybody, it’s been a wild decade. Though to be fair it depends on who you ask at this point as to whether or not the new decade is about to begin, or if it doesn’t start until the end of 2020. Regardless, Pornhub released their year in review article statistics on December 11, and it contained some interesting discoveries that I wanted to talk about. For the first time ...
The Perfect Doujin Length
Council, I gather you here today so that the members of this fine website can probe ourselves to look deep into the heart of doujins in order to determine the optimal doujin length. I realized the other day that I’ve got a specific amount of pages in mind when I click on a doujin, and if it doesn’t fall into that range, I can become a sad boy pretty fast. Imagine this. It’s ...