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FunsexyDB is a Fan of Dragon Ball and its Porn
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
•  18760  •   6 9

If you’ve been feeling empty inside because you haven’t seen enough animated Dragon Ball hentai, then look no farther than the Dragon Ball hentai animator themselves, FunsexyDB.

You can always find an artist that’s dedicated to a fandom, and FunsexyDB is all about lewding the Dragon Ball series. They create both doujins and animations, so they have something for the readers and the watchers. Even with their style leaning more cartoony, FunsexyDB still stays true to the original Dragon Ball art style, which makes the work feel more real and closer to the actual show.

I’ve been a big fan of Dragon Ball Z ever since I was little, so it’s great to see someone dedicated to bring all the sexy characters in that show to life in such a lewd way. 

Have you heard of FunsexyDB before? What do you think of their animations? Do you love Dragon Ball hentai? Tell us in the comments.