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What Games Shown During E3 Hyped These Artists the Most?
By Kasaix • 6 years ago
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E3 happened, and it blew most people away. Artists play video games, so I thought I’d reach out to a few of the artists I’ve spoken to before to see what got them hyped!

Putting in my (Kasaix) two cents: KH III has me anxious, too may foreboding things shown in trailers and coming outta Nomura's mouth. Jump Force needs to be in my system yesterday. Like an old-school Poke fan, I pre-ordered both Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee bundles. Starlinklooks awesome, but I'm not one for toys-to-life so much, so I hope we can unlock weapons and ships in-game. Daemon X Machina looks fun as hell. Smash Bros. Ultimate looks great, and that is also pre-ordered. Spider-Man looks as awesome as ever, and I pre-ordered it quite a while ago. Spyro Reignited brings my childhood back. AC Odyssey is also pre-ordered, though I have some reservations about it. Looks great, but looks like a reskin of AC Origins, takes place way before Origins, and I've yet to see anything assassin-y.




Kinkymation: hmmmmm idk about hyped but I liked the ghost game for ps4 the samurai one, I love tunic that silly little iso game they showed with a fox. Daemon x machina looks like lots of fun, so does super mario party. Also the new fromsoftware samurai game Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.

octopath traveler

Kasaix: Ghost of Tsushima, it looked solid.





devil may cry 5

resident evil 2 remake

super smash brothers ultimate




ttrop: for me e3 highlights would be kingdom hearts 3 for one because that series will always have a special place in my heart,  then there is smash giving us a great chance for crossover hentai pairings and overall gameplay wise Ghost of Tsushima looked very fun to play




Derpixon: I'd say that I'm most excited for Sea of Solitude, Sekiro, and Devil May Cry 5. Honestly am intrigued by their art and creature design and I hope they would sell artbooks in the future!




CuteSexyRobutts: Sekiro was my top game, fromsoftware can finally try something new that's not souls derivative

RE2make is another. i'm glad it seems to have a lot of effort behind its production

those are the ones that stood out to me




John Joseco: There was a lot to be excited about. The Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Death Stranding, Devil May Cry 5, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Kingdom Hearts 3, Resident Evil 2. Despite not being shown, I really love what I heard about Cyberpunk 2077

Kasaix: Ghost of Tsushima was just beautiful. The samurai fighting was awesome, like right out of Rurouni Kenshin, especially those quick parry-counters

John Joseco: oh yeah. I'm really excited about Resident Evil 2 since I had fond memories when it first came out



What part of E3 got you hyped the most? Sound off in the comments below!


Harko 6 years ago
Cyberpunk 2077.
Oddest Ball 6 years ago
I have an annual tradition of not watching, but my brother showed me a mocking clip show and what I saw largely disappointed me, especially from my favorite company, Nintendo. I will keep bugging Sakurai however I can until a fucking story/adventure mode gets added. The Let's Go games look great but have a fatal flaw: GO catch mechanics. Absolutely ruined the games. Sekiro, hopeful but worried.