Kasaix: Friends of Doujins, allow me to introduce ttrop, another artist I’ve been eagerly following for some time. ttrop has a unique style for drawing girls. They’re damn thicc and lewd, and I’ve been told by the artist that the pictures are done in a day, which greatly impressed me. I mean, that level of quality in a day? We would all need healing if ttrop spent a week on a project.
That said, allow me to welcome the man himself. Thanks for hanging out, ttrop! How’s it going?
ttrop: Hello I'm doing great thanks for asking and thank you for your kind words.
Kasaix: My pleasure. So let's begin. How did you get your start in drawing? Did you see a good picture or series and feel compelled to put pencil to paper?
ttrop: My origin story is not very interesting, in 2014 i saw an artist named Tenk posted a pic of Ryuko porn before kill la kill anime was out and that kinda got me in to casually drawing Kill la Kill porn myself. I still had a full time job then so i just drew on a paper without trying to improve much, just a good way to waste time. in 2015 i was fired from my job so I chose to improve myself in art and went on from there
(Improvements in art)
Kasaix: I can see the appeal in drawing Kill la Kill lewds. Their combat outfits are practically made for it. They're still badass though, so it's a nice blend of sexy and lethal.
So you're a self-taught artist, or did you have some form of professional education?
ttrop: I just draw off with my gut feeling no education whatsoever that’s why all my drawings are all similar, tho I am trying to improve myself everytime i draw a new picture, but every now and then you get some really bad pictures that i really should not be posting to the general public
tho sometimes i wish i started art albeit early
to have a chance to really teach myself
Kasaix: Everyone has something like that they're not proud of. Heck, I write lewd stories as well, and there's a few I want to delete right now.
You can regret not starting earlier, but there's still time to improve, and you have serious talent right now. As a testament to your status as artist, you're your own worst critic. Wear that badge with pride.
What is your favorite subject to draw, as far as characters and situations?
ttrop: Since Kill la Kill is what got me into this whole thing that will always have a special place in my heart, but i enjoy drawing boobs and the curve of women body, i have noticed people in the west enjoy big asses and i can really see why, but asians like me seem to like boobs more, tho you can never go wrong with big ass with big boobs
Kasaix: No you cannot. You are definitely an artist of culture.
Where do you get ideas for your projects? Do you see something in the wild and think 'I can draw that'?
ttrop: I just have a lot of thing i want to draw just stuck in my head i just don't have the time to draw them all, since most of my time is used up by my main job atm with doing art for a game with Vortex00. tho i would like to explore the stuff that are trapped in my head more in the future. but i have no real complaints with my current situation
Kasaix: I get that on a personal level. I have a bunch of stories I want to write, and can't find the time to get them all down. The struggle is real, my friend.
What do you consider your best work of art, something you're completely proud to show off?
ttrop: I am pretty proud of my Caulifla picture the one with arms above her head with fit body. i just enjoy drawing fit women i find them quite sexy
Kasaix: You mean this one? Because it's amazing. I'd give it 100 likes in HF allowed that.
ttrop: yes that one, i do need to draw more fit caulifla in my future
Kasaix: I agree. And Kefla.
ttrop: fit kefla doesn't sound bad at all
Kasaix: No it does not.
What is a dream project of yours? Something you feel you must work on.
ttrop: I would love to draw my own parody porn comics aka doujins, i do have few ideas in my head i wish i had time to draw one is dragonball super tournament of power but fighting is replaced with sex and i gender bend few characters to even some things like freeza and frost would make cute girls along with few others
Kasaix: I really want to see that. Like, a whole lot. I approve this dream project. I approve it so much.
You've mentioned that you're working on art for a game project. Can you tell us a bit about the game and your role in the overall project?
ttrop: Its a visual novel type games, i just do the drawing the art of the characters and the porn stuff. 1 that is currently finished is composed of my old art, right now we are making different games updating the the art to better match my current style. there are few gaming that are upcoming soon. we are right now trying to do many small games.
Kasaix: Oh interesting! How long have you been working on this?
ttrop: few years i was but we did create few games with in that time frame tho a lot of it are using the old art style, ones coming up are more recent art styles so those are the ones people should look out for
Kasaix: Very interesting! I’ll be looking into these games then, especially if they have your signature art.
Let’s wrap this up, shall we? I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Do you have any final words for your fans?
ttrop: All i can really say is thank you for enjoying my art, and i hope that my future works don't disappoint any of you too much. and thank you for sharing your time with me, i hope i wasn't too much of a bore we koreans sometime are not the most interesting bunch
Kasaix: Oh no, this was very interesting and I greatly enjoyed talking to you. I might even hit you up for some other topic to discuss in the future. ^_^
ttrop: i enjoyed this myself and feel free to hit me up anytime whenever you want chatting is always fun
thank you
I’d like to give ttrop another huge thanks for hanging out. If you’d like to continue following his works, he can be found at the sites below:
Hentai Foundry: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/ttrop/profile
Tumblr: http://the-ttrop.tumblr.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ttrop
Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_ttrop