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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair: A Lengthy Debate
By Kasaix • 7 years ago
•  6354  •   2 9


Among the many preferences someone might have with regards to their best type of girl, one of aspects people look for is the length of hair. Some prefer short hair, while others prefer long hair. There's no wrong answers to this one, like the other debates. Long or short, hair on a good woman can make us weak in the knees. Soft locks that smell of a flower garden can bring peace to anyone. 


So let's get this debate rolling and provide the evidence? Do you fine folks of Doujins prefer long hair or short hair? The staff here has weighed in with their own opinions, so share yours in the comments below!


"You always got to go with short hair. I don't know if that makes me secretly gay or not (I do like traps) but that tomboy look gets my motors going!" -ImJustThatKinky

"Long hair! Something else to pull, and I get to hide my face in it like I did with my mommy...what, too weird?" -Dood

"I would just like for them to have hair in general, the length doesn't matter" -Kasaix

"Short hair for me. You can tell a lot about a woman from her neckline." It's the hair that pulls me in, but the neckline is why I'll stay. -Harem Mask

































































































vitaminsquee 7 years ago
I like longer hair on women- in fiction, it always seems to be let loose/grows longer during a dramatic moment, but shorter hair seems to give a sense of refinement to a lady and why it's cut as a symbol of change/maturity. When those realwomenonlyhavelonghair!guys go off, I have to admit I feel a lot more feminine with long hair and really only prefer shorter hair because it's easier to maintain
Punk 434 7 years ago
Just like IRL, it all depends on the rest of their aesthetics. Although, most of my fave looking females in anime/manga have long hair.
HazardPhoenix 7 years ago
Don't care as much about it, hell even no hair is fine with me. I guess if I had to pick, it would be short to mid. Long ass hair aka goes bellow the ass is a bit to much. Plus it will put you at a huge disadvantage in fights. Seen guys with long hair get their asses kicked in fights because of it.
nullbouya 7 years ago
In anime, for me, it usually depends on the character, but I prefer females with long hair because I like seeing/imagining them rocking that sexy body with the long flowing/passionately-disheveled hair. In real life, I prefer medium/long hair length, I like a good ponytail.
Jagsenpai 7 years ago
DON'T LEWD THE DRAGON LOLI (jk lol, plz do)! Anyways, Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx has long pink hair. That's all that needs to be said about this debate. Zero Two is best girl. I know it, you know, even your grandma know's it. Long hair beats Short Hair. But more importantly, Zero Two beats Your Waifu. Fight me in the DMs!
Oddest Ball 7 years ago
Long but I'm not against short hair. Also, please no pictures that lewd the dragon loli.
jupmod 6 years ago
I do not mind either, for it depends on the girl and how hot the action and story is. Sakura, Shizune, and others have short hair, yet they are hot. I find Tenten hot with her long hair in her two buns. Hinata is very lovely with long hair compare to her short hair. So I do not mind both. :)
NGW1990 7 years ago
I have a preference for women with short hair in both anime and IRL. I notice with my preference I associate women with short hair being either tomboyish and/or very secure with their feminine side, which is a very sexy and even a cute trait.