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Tsuma Shibori is Getting a English Dub
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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Another hentai English dub from the wonderful people at Kitty Media. This one is on the more wholesome side when it comes to hentai, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less sexy. Tsuma Shibori now titled Triple Sex Tribulations. Here’s a summary:

Triple Sex Tribulations contains anime episodes 1-2.

Kousuke is a lonely guy who is kicked out of his apartment when his roommate brings in a girlfriend. Kousuke’s father realizes that it’s time that his son meets a woman and arranges for him to move in with two beautiful sisters, Madoka and Sakura. While Madoka resents the set-up, her older sister Sakura wastes no time in educating Kousuke in the most intimate ways to please a prospective wife! New English dub!

Two episodes and two sisters for the price of one, sound like a deal to me. Madoka might resent the idea at first, but you know by episode 2 she'll be begging for the dick. Hell, it might even be sooner than that, depending on how much of a secret slut she is.

Triple Sex Tribulations is already out and can be purchased on RightStuf.

Have you watched Tsuma Shibori before? Are you excited to see it get an English dub? Do you like wholesome hentai? Tell us in the comments.

Hectotane 2 years ago
I saw Tsuma Shibori before. It was nice.

More dubs, and removal of censorship, of adult anime needs to happen. We don't need any more of these blue-balling romcoms that refuse to move anywhere.

Also be careful of RightStuf. They take forever to send anything; much less get titles on stock when they say they are.
anonttt 2 years ago
Meh. Until they start getting pink pineapple and loli titles my response is meh.
Anon - ... 2 years ago
Nice! Still surprised English dub hentai is made to this day because I thought it was irrelevant mostly most people either watch subbed or raw anime.

Might give it a try if it had improve since the last dub I've watched back then.
Anon - MassiveKoont 2 years ago
That anal scene with the housewife was the most bomb-ass nut I had for a long ass time. Can't wait to hear it in English.
Anon - ForestWolfy 2 years ago
the english dub was released and it was good. not the best but listenble. It reminds me of the late 2000s quality of hentai.
Anon - Anonymous 2 years ago
Well RightStuf has ommited Hentai from their store. Boo!