As young people, we all once dreamed about the magical power of gaining X-ray vision in order to see others naked through clothes. Of course even if you gained X-ray vision, you wouldn’t be able to see some boobs as that’s obviously not how the technology works. However outrage brewed this past week as an ad campaign for everybody’s favorite emerging tool, AI, made its rounds on Twitter. I’m still using Firefox and Ublock Origin so I can’t speak for the popularity of the ads from firsthand experience, but the major player I saw was Sam Wrinkler, the narrative director at Gearbox, calling out the ads for their ridiculous nature. And by god, once I feasted my eyes upon it, I knew a truly shit service was on display.
This is amazingly terrible on multiple levels. First we have the horrendously fake conversation on the left. I’m not sure what “you couldn’t see her” even means. Then we have a girl supposedly shocked and bewildered that a naked picture of her was both authentic and leaked and asks the user to take it down. More importantly though is the blatantly soulless use of the popular salute and skull emojis combined with the ever-present “LET’S GOOO!” tagline to really draw in that younger audience. It’s beautiful marketing. I tried looking into this service but accidentally stumbled across several just like it that promise to remove clothes with AI. I don’t think there’s any point paying for it whatsoever as I’m pretty sure there are plenty of free AI that can provide the same or similar functionality. Lord only knows the depths of hell your credit card would descend to if you actually gave one of these scammy services its information.
I'll stick with the OG magic potion, thank you.
This is just another controversy in the long list of wacky ways Twitter has operated in the past few years. Based on the fact that so many advertisers have pulled out, it’s not exactly shocking to see the site resort to more, uh, tactless business partners. Have you seen these ads floating around? Would you want to use an app like this? Have you ever followed through on a scammy ad simply to see where it would lead? Find some sexy pictures of clothed people, release your billing information to strangers, and fall deeper into the clutches of AI in the comments below!
Also just realized : so that's why they renamed the site X, that's for "X-ray shit ads"