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It's Not Okay to Lewd Nezuki, But It's Okay to Lewd Tanjiro?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 5 years ago
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The Demon Slayer anime has ended, but people love for it has not...and the lewds haven’t either. But the lewd this time around is of our Demon Slayer MC Tanjiro, looking hot as fuck and daddy as fuck. The funny thing about this lewd though is that unlike Nezuko...people aren’t causing a big uproar about it on the artist tweet.

You may notice that the artist is SakimiChan, the same artist who was the cause of the aged up Nezuko controversy. I feel like the obvious reason for the lack of outcry is the double standard that we put on boys and girls. Tanjiro is even younger than Nezuko, but this drawing still gets a pass. Tanjiro is 13 while Nezuko is 14. For some reason girls (anime girls mind you) are seen as these precious gems that must be protected, while guys are just...whatever. I even made a great meme on the tweetabout the situation.

The 100+ likes don't lie.

Now I don’t agree with the people who had a problem with the adult Nezuko lewd art, but if you’re going to bitch about the Nezuko art because you don’t like the lewding of an aged up character, then at least believe that same thing whenTanjiro is being lewded.

My face when people are being hypocrites online.

Why do you think the Tanjiro piece didn’t cause the same amount of outcry? What do you think of daddy Tanjiro? Are people hypocrites? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 5 years ago
Yup, like I said before these same folks have NOTHING to say about Nezuko going blood crazy yet make a hissy fit about hentai(despite depictions of her being womanly AND that she's FICTIONAL), and that they're all slobbering at the mouth at daddy Tanjiro. The hypocrisy is real.
Anon - (You) 5 years ago
Why are you so obsessed with this? It's just embarrassing. Have sex.
Oddest Ball 5 years ago
The eternal double standard.
fatnin 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
Well, if we can lewd Nezuko-chan, then why the hell not? Lewd her brother, use him in yaoi, turn him into a girl, we are free to our feelings and sensations. People are not hypocrites. They're hypocritical pussies.
GRAYKIT 5 years ago
I could not help but laugh at the 1st outcry! thinking "Just wat for a boy counter part!" And want do you know I don't even hear the cricks chirping!
Itasian 5 years ago
This is why i personally prefer milfs. Less trouble. Unless for some reason there is some supernatural or esp bs and they look like a grade schooler. Looking at the magical index teacher. Though misaka's mom is really well drawn
Anon - Omega zero 5 years ago
Fujonshis are among the bigg3zt hypocrites and then compile that with the weebguilt fake fan moralfag crowd its a formula for a shitshow. These fuckers literally attacked a PORN COZPLAYER hidori rose cor having a nezuko cosplay
Himinthetub 5 years ago
Well, we can't expect idiots to act consistently, specially when it comes to morality. They're so into their own delusional reality they can't see their own flaws. After all, do these idiots even know Tanjiro is younger and deserving of respect? No, cause he's not a woman, not because he's a man, so he's not relevant to today's retarded upsetfulness.

At least Japanese media does not give a fuck
jupmod 5 years ago
Some people really are huge hypocrites. This always happen with any underage girls, who are aged by artists to make lewd, yet when artists aged boys to lewd, people think it is okay. I can not understand the double-standards some people have.
Anon - Elijah 2 years ago
Fr cause tanjiro is also underaged