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Marvel Rivals Gave Magik A Gooner Design
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 months ago
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Well, that didn’t take long for people to throw Marvel Rivals into some dumb and idiotic controversy. You know, Marvel Rivals, the game everyone is talking about and praising for its great character designs. Or, should I say, some people praise its character redesigns, while others are upset with it, calling them “gooner” designs. The character who is under fire today is Magik, or more specifically, a cosplayer who was cosplaying Magik.

Just another one of those days of people being upset at someone else who isn’t even harming them. Like, the cosplay is good, and stayed true to the Magik in game model. All you can really do is commend her for being so accurate. But maybe the people are right. Maybe Marvel Rivals slutted her up too much compared to her OG comic designs.

Nope, just people being idiots once again. Magik design has always been revealing, and showed off skin. The crazy thing is, even with her showing skin, I don’t even see the outfit as slutty or gooner bait. Maybe I’m just desensitized, but her outfit does nothing to me. I just see another cool female design to add to the list.

So these people can be mad all they want, cause Marvel Rivals is going to keep dropping the sexy designs, and we gooners are going to keep eating well.

What do you think of the Magik design? Do you think the cosplayer did a good job? Did you know about Magik before Marvel Rivals? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Jaded 2 months ago
I can't wait for the word "gooner" to be rotated out of the cultural zeitgeist. I'm getting real tired of hearing this stupid sounding word being used to dehumanize people who like sexy things. Like, it's not enough to use words that actually exist to describe what you're talking about? You NEED to invent a new word to describe a word that already exists?

Anyway uhh yeah Majik cosplay's fine.
Chaos729 2 months ago
We're at the buzzword gooner flavor of the month, jesus christ. I hate this fucking timeline
Hectotane 2 months ago
1: Concord is DEAD. So-called game players should get over it.

2: Illyana and Blackheart should just team up. Those who play the Marvel Vs Capcom series should know.
Anon - Anon 2 months ago
Wow, people getting upset that a character design is sexy and automatically assuming the original design must be more modest! What a bunch of pathetic busybodies.
Anon - King Bitch 2 months ago
Oh look, the opinions of tourists who want attention and clout.
tanakaba 2 months ago
In the old days, they just shamed women because they'd be assaulted. Now they shame they won't be assaulted, but it arouses sexual feelings?

The people in the old days were actually less wrong, at least their excuse is supposedly protecting people. The new "logic" is just insane.
Dk16bit 1 month ago (edited 1 month ago)
.... she just doesnt show her cleavage now, sure this a hentai site but come on lol kids play this
Anon - Kinkys trash 1 month ago (edited 1 month ago)
Another great article kinky