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It's 2019 and People Want to Fuck the Weather
By Yung Namahage β€’ 6 years ago
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Rule 34. You should all know the drill by now. No exceptions and nothing is sacred, there really is porn of everything somewhere on the internet.

Case in point: you've more than likely heard of, or probably even experienced, the cold wave currently going on in the continent of North America. Temperatures across the region are well below freezing and people have even died due to the extreme weather conditions.

What's caused this deep freeze? The sort answer is a polar vortex. Basically, this occurs when a cyclone of cold air in the Arctic expands, blowing cold air southward. In early January, the polar vortex split into two, and both vortices were pushed further south. When plotted on a map, the polar vortices look something like this:

No wonder it's a bit nippy over there.

Naturally, the internet erupted with posts pointing out on how damn thicc this natural phenomenon is.

Image result for polar vortex tweet

27_male nyc @25_male_nyc fellas ur girl outta town n the polar vortex send u this pic, wyd??? WLKY TRACKING THE POLAR VORTEX Montreal Boise Minneapolis ew York Chicago Omaha Washington Richmond San Francisco Indianapol ille

But it was NaPalm-Express who officially gave us the latest meme waifu: Polar Vortex-Chan.

Not long after came Tane's rendition of Polar Vortex-Chan, featuring a crossover with an older geographical waifu, Earth-Chan.

So far these are the only images of Polar Vortex-Chan I could find, but I'm sure more are gonna spring up in the next few days. At least, I hope so.

Have you been suffering from deep freeze lately? Does the fact that people are depicting the source of said extreme cold as a big tiddy waifu make you feel better about it? How long do you think this meme waifu will last? Let us know in the comments as usual.