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Attack on Titan Comes to Call of Duty
By Yung Namahage • 3 years ago
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At this point it feels weird to see a big name franchise collaborating with a hugely popular online battle royale shooter that isn't Fortnite. Like when Joker and Harley Quinn appeared in PUBG a few years ago based on their Suicide Squad incarnations, before both characters joined a bunch of other DC heroes and villains in Fortnite.

Call of DutyWarzone's collabs tend to be more on the action movie side than Fortnite's. Playing as Rambo makes total sense in CoD;  and John McClane from Die Hard  isn't a bad fit, either. Ghostface from Scream, however, isn't the type to gun dudes down by the truckload. Now here are some weapons and a costume inspired by Attack on Titan, of all things.

Levi Ackerman himself won't be making an appearance in CoD (un)fortunately, but he's giving his name to the Levi Edition DLC Bundle. It includes a Legendary blueprint for the Titan Piercer katana skin, a melee weapon based on the Titan-slaying blades from the series but shorter, as well as the Historia SMG and Ymir Curse assault rifle Legendary weapons that can be used by any character. Finally, Levi's Survey Corps uniform is available  exclusively for character Daniel Yatsu.

The Levi Edition Bundle will run you 2400CP and is available in CoD: Vanguard and Warzone: Pacific as part of Season 1 from January 20. What do you guys think? Does this collab work, it should it never have happened? Should Kodansha call it off considering the whole ongoing Activision Blizzard sexual harassment lawsuit situation, like LEGO canceling the Overwatch 2 sets? Sound off below!

jupmod 3 years ago
Gee, if the Survey Corps had such weapons, the Titans would had easily been defeated.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Ah yes, Attack on Titan, that one anime that's famous for its use of firearms.
Markaintus 3 years ago
Lets just call this what it is. "A cheap cash grab using a popular anime, that has no significant effect on the gameplay or story of the game itself." Unless they throw titans into the zombie multiplayer and have you zipping on 3d maneuver gear, its pointless.
Hectotane 3 years ago
I'm all for X-overs. But NOT with Attack On Titans.
MrObvious 3 years ago
Hmm, what a crossover. Honestly haven't bought a COD game since Ghosts turned me off to the series as a whole so there.
exodusee7 3 years ago
Lame. Just so very lame.
Anon - Blruple 3 years ago
That's fuckin gross bro.
Crazymantis91 3 years ago