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Marvel Rivals Peni Parker Isn't Legal?!
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 months ago
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Marvel Rivals!!! Yes, another Marvel Rivals article, but this time, a more controversial article. We’ve all enjoyed the hot as fuck woman in Marvel Rivals, but what about the characters who ages are a little more…ambiguous? Well, they also need some love as well, and when Peni Parker's hips look like that, I’m willing to take a leap of fate and give that ass a try.

A post that has recently been deleted, like every other bad take post. With the original poster, TheNoodleShop, not really taking any accountability for what they said or accused people of.

Someone calling people pedophiles for thinking the Marvel Rivals design for Peni Parker is hot, but in the past drawn pictures of Toph and…YO GABBA GABBA?!

You can't make this shit up, these people are truly delusional when they decide to judge other people for things they’re guilty of. And the soft apology that they try to throw out isn’t any sign of change from them whatsoever.

Saying that you regret what you did isn’t anything special, show that you changed by your action, and the way you present yourself. You say that there’s adult looking girls in Marvel Rivals other than Peni, that people can drool over, but you personally have pictures of Lilith, when an ADULT looking Morgan is right there?

These morally high people need to stop, and look at themselves in the mirror. You haven’t changed, and you’re showing that with your actions and dumb comments. Just staying out of other people's business, and focusing on yourself and actually changing as a person, isn't just saying that you’ve changed. So stop being a hypocrite and get back to drawing hot Toph porn.

What age do you think Peni Parker is in Marvel Rivals? Do you think TheNoodleShop has changed? Would you fuck Peni Parker? Tell us in the comments.

Chaos729 2 months ago (edited 2 months ago)
Won't someone please think of the fictional pixels instead of the true horrors going on the world!!!
"I'm going to fight to the death to protect this fictional piece of ink's rights, how DARE you draw such filth!"
"Are you donating money to help victims of sexual assault?" "Have you and others done ANYTHING to try and improve the lives of such victims?"
No? Huh, interesting.
Anon - reality 2 months ago
Peni is not real. That's my answer. Now I'll fap to whatever the fuck I want.
revan193 2 months ago
Real children are threatened by actual pdfs and Twitter & other brainless morons have nothing better to do than playing the "holier than thou" person on social media because of drawings of FICTIONAL characters???
jupmod 2 months ago
If she's 16, then that is not far from 18. Heck, I recall all the hentai pictures of Vivi Nefertari from "One Piece" when she was just 16 years old *before* the time-skip. All this hoopla over the age of the characters seem stupid, given it's just drawn art. It's not like people will become sexual pedophile monsters by reading shota and loli doujins and art. (roll eyes)
Hectotane 2 months ago
Bruh. Game's got a YIFF, ninja ass, a skinnybee, a Black woman, a Korean, an Alien, 2 red heads, a death goddess; and possibly a planet eater and NTR material.

Yet MoFoes still actin' like they want FBI to knock down their doors.
WM-R 2 months ago
If I'm being honest, I don't particularly care what age she is. If she's old enough to be risking having her head ripped off by the Hulk, blasted into atoms by StarLord or dragged into hell by Hela, she's old enough to bang.

I'd probably have far more reservations about her counterpart in those Miles Morales movies, though, since she's much more blatantly a young girl there.
Anon - Gothine 2 months ago
Noodle is such a hypocrite. "I aged up the characters, so it's okay" bs
Rasendori!!! 2 months ago
Bruh they can say her age is whatever they want, that plug suit, navel, hips, and boobs belong to a porn star
Anon - King Bitch 2 months ago
THIS Peni Parker is not only a fictional character, she also looks like an actual young adult and not a child in this game. If a fictional character is considered an adult by their country of origin's standards, I won't lose sleep over having sexy artwork of them.

Unlike Noodles who was virtue signaling to look good on the internet.
BootyHunter 2 months ago
16 is Legal in Japan, I wanna move.. Besides, She's & like many Others, are for the Younger Demographic, like My Hero Academia.. By the by, is there a Blog for Ban of Manga at School Libraries & what not???.. Also, why make a Federal Case, Entertainment Characters ain't Real People, go after Real Criminals that are actually into Real CP & Slaying of Innocents.. People make nit noid B.S. it's Art..