
Just a writer who likes to entertain with lewd articles.

If there's a topic you'd like to see covered, feel free to send an email over to writer.kasaix@gmail.com

Articles by Kasaix
An Interview with Flowerxl
Kasaix: Ladies and gentlemen of Doujins, I bring you an artist I’ve been following for quite some time, someone who can really show off a girl’s assets, the one and only Flowerxl. I’ve been looking forward to talking to this great artist for some time, and I’m glad Flowerxl said yes to this interview, so everyone please give him a warm welcome.How are things going for you, ...
What Games Shown During E3 Hyped These Artists the Most?
E3 happened, and it blew most people away. Artists play video games, so I thought I’d reach out to a few of the artists I’ve spoken to before to see what got them hyped!Putting in my (Kasaix) two cents: KH III has me anxious, too may foreboding things shown in trailers and coming outta Nomura's mouth. Jump Force needs to be in my system yesterday. Like an old-school Poke ...
Metal Max Xeno Releases in Japan, Panty Shots Included
Metal Max Xeno is a fun combat game, as seen in the trailer. It looks awesome, and is due in the US Q3 2018. If you're a fan of awesome tanks and interesting turn-based combat, keep an eye out for this game. If you're a fan of sexy girls, keep another eye out for this game.Ahh boob physics, ever since the newDOAtoned it down, I was worried the glory days of boobs observing gravity ...
The Anime Fathers to Honor on Father's Day
Father's Day is upon us, and we've decided to give some top mentions to some great fathers who saw anime heroes and heroines off to victory. Raise a glass to these great men, and Happy Father's Day, friends of Doujins.If you feel that any other anime dads deserve a shout out, let us know in the comments below.Maes Hughes is on top, and he will never leave that spot.1. Maes Hughes ...
Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya on Video Games as Art
Gamers and non-gamers alike debate on whether or not video games are art. When you look at games like Journey, one can easily say "Yes, this is art." However, in an age when graphics can be pushed to the limit to make things look downright gorgeous, it's a tougher call, and both sides have points. Hideki Kamiya, director at Platinum Games, the studio who made for Bayonetta, has ...
Bitch Sister Squeeze - Brothers and Sisters Brought Together By Circumstance
Brother and sister incest is a popular trope in this industry. From normal anime and manga to hentai, they're present and they make for interesting stories. So, we're shining a light on a great brother/sister incest series calledImouto Bitch ni Shiboraretai, or Bitch Sister Squeeze. Why a whole article for one series? It comes in CG set and OVA variety, and fans of the genre need ...
An Interview with Revolverwing
Kasaix: Hello fine boys and girls of Doujins! I have another incredibly talented artist with me, the one and only Revolverwing! I’ve only recently come across this artist, and immediately fell in love with the art. After sitting through much of an hours-long Picarto stream, I knew I had to talk to the artist, and here we are. For the record, I asked before the stream, but afterwards, ...
Only in Japan: Weekly Shonen Jump-Themed Famicom Mini
People lost their collective minds when Nintendo first released the NES Mini. It disappeared from store shelves and online shops faster than food on Chi Chi's dinner table at the Son house. SNES Mini as popular as the NES, and rumors circulating of a possible PS1 Mini, it's no surprise the Famicom Mini would make an appearance.For those not up on their videogame history, the Famicom, ...
Hiroyoshi Koi's Plans for a Live-Action Bleach Trilogy
Hiroyoshi Koi, the producer of the upcoming live-action Bleach movie is already planning a trilogy for the legendary franchise. The movie, out in theater in Japan on July 20th, is optimistic about the box-office draw and green light for the sequel.The trailer makes one optimistic, but there's another thing to consider: the live-action Rurouni Kenshin trilogy was awesome, andHiroyoshi ...
It's the Pointed Ears, Right? Seven Great Elf-Themed Doujins
Elves are a popular character type. A mix of mystery and magic, wisdom and power, they are key to old age fantasy stories. From Link to Deedlit, they light up the stories they're in. So of course they appear in a great deal of hentai manga and doujins. Sexy elf girls need lewds to keep things fun.To honor, and show off these elves, here are just a few of the great elf-themed doujins ...