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The Virgin Panic Attack
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago
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Man, last week’s episode of Mushoku Tensei really hit home for me. I like to think of myself as a decently socially capable gentleman. Sure I wasn’t the football captain with a parade of girls and bros following me everywhere I went in high school, but I wasn’t a complete outcast unable to hold a conversation with anyone either. I’m pretty chill as long as I have a sufficient understanding of what’s expected for a given situation. That being said, this episode tackled the worst kind of sexual scenario for me (well apart from stuff like rape in real life) which is where nobody knows what the fuck is going on and people start panicking. 

To set the stage, it was Rudeus’s (the MC) birthday and his young student and training partner Eris wanted him to have a good time. After the party was over she came back to his room in private to hang out all dolled up in a hot dress. Rudeus tries to get a grasp on the situation and tells her he’s feeling a little dirty to feel her out and she says “Fine, as long as it’s just a little!”. It would be at this point that I wonder if I should just leave the room, because there’s nowhere for this to go but downhill. What is “just a little”? Hugging? Kissing? A little breast fondling? A little dick in the pussy? Already I’d be uneasy because I have no idea what this girl is implying she’s okay with and I wouldn’t want to make a misstep that lands me in prison. At the same time, flat out asking “So what does that mean? Like, a little ass fucking between friends?” would kill any sort of subtlety and probably ruin the mood.

I know you said it, but you didn't EXPLAIN it.

Rudeus, being the virgin that he is, enters into the panic zone. His mind races a mile a minute with thoughts of “Is she okay with this? Am I good to go? Should I back off?”. Ultimately he decides that he was enough of a virgin in his past life and proceeds forward. Things go well until he fondles a boob and that seems to be iffy, and then an attempt to rub her pussy crashes and burns and results in my man getting slapped and kicked to oblivion and back. All I could think during this whole scene was holy shit I hope I don’t end up in this situation. I need it to be painfully obvious that having sex is the plan and everobody’s alright with that plan. As a little virgin Rudeus myself I’m already going to be on edge when that night happens and the added spice of “Does she even want this?” does not need to be floating around in my brain.

This gives me anxiety just looking at it.

At the end of the day, indecisiveness does not work well in a sexual setting and that sure sucks cause I’m pretty indecisive at times. I know after Eris said “just a little” I would have already panicked and hit the abort button because otherwise I’d be in my head the whole time questioning every move I made or didn't make. Have you or a partner started panicking before sex? Would you try to navigate through it or wait for another time? Explain the virgin wizardry in the comments below!

Noah_Webster 4 years ago
I’d rather ruin the would-be first encounter with caution than risk legal troubles. I imagine after that has passed, there would be greater understanding between the parties involved and consent wouldn’t be a future worry.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Could be because he's so caught up in his preconceived perversions that the real deal made him freeze up. Although to be fair, I likely would to, you never know. Honestly If I were to spend my B-Day with my waifu it would be simply curled up in bed with her, sex wouldn't on the menu unless she wants it.
7thManiac 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Let's face it, first times aren't as glorious or great as a lot of fiction would pet you believe. Either actual first times, or even the first time as a couple. I say, embrace the suck (no pun intended). Just be clear and make sure everyone is clear on what's happening. Make sure that no one does anything they'll REALLY regret. May be awkward now, but it should make any future sexy times easier and more clear.
koas2367 4 years ago
This is WAY overthinking things. You start small and work your way up, that way even if you go too far you got to do SOMETHING before she ran off. Besides going slow and working your way up eases her into it too and might actually enable you to go further.
Fox_McCloud 4 years ago
“So what does that mean? Like, a little ass fucking between friends?” Oh man, this cracked me up. It would totally be a mood killer but it might be worth the reaction.
Anon - Anonymous 3 years ago
Too much sex with none of the naughty bits.

You Anime Weebs just love to your smut and call it good storytelling.

Pretty hypocritical how ya’ll are on Twight and 50 Shades of Grey…

Just saying.
SuperSaiyaMan12 4 years ago
Dude. They are KIDS. Tensei is just fucked up and you are making it as a 'Virgin Panic'? What the fuck, why do you defend the pedophile tendencies of this show?!
Gennos 4 years ago
As far as sex goes: it's a much different world today. If you're not that good looking, it's creepy or attempted rape. If you're handsome, you just need the confidence to follow through. Practice. Don't go looking for models. Find women that are approachable and are looking for casual sex. There are cougars out there that like to mentor. Always wear a condom. Know what infections look/smell like
Gennos 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Confidence is key. When talking, if her body is squared up with yours, she's open. Watch her eyes. Where are they? Are they roaming? If so, she's interested. More so if she allows or initiates body contact. Nothing fancy is needed. Don't be a push over. Real women hate that shit. She's going to test you. Pick her up. If she's interested but plays games: walk away. It will mind fuck her
Hectotane 4 years ago
Just remember that that is YOUR man.

Nobody should have to go through that much shit just to lose his V-card, but here we go.