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Sanity Wins: Battlefield V Looks Good Now
By Kasaix • 5 years ago

In our ongoing attempts to shine a light on the new form of stupidity infecting a beloved industry, we're taking a look at Battlefield V. Now if you're new to this, the devs behind Battlefield V were twisting themselves in ridiculous shapes to seem more PC. Heck, a guy in a senior position lost his job because he insulted the player base for not patting them on the back for their attempts. They were being mocked and derided all over the place for their crap. I think they were the guys who said "It's 'historically genuine' and not 'historically accurate'." Or some other such nonsense. The point is, they wanted to put people in World War II settings who, in reality, would not have been there. It did no one a service, and seemed disingenuine at best. SJWs were praising them, but there's little chance these same SJWs even play games, much less tactical FPSs. 

Well, a new trailer dropped for this game, so let's take a look:

This is the trailer that should have dropped first. Incredible action, almost a window into the past. No sign of any politicial agenda. A brief shot of a woman at the end hinted at a more inclusive game. That's it. No ham-fisted attempt to convert the masses. This is how it should be done all over the place. Someone finally got it right. 

What do you think of the saga of Battlefield V's failure, and this new turn in direction? Sound off in the comments below!