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Both Hades 2 And Stellar Blade Is Sexy
By ImJustThatKinky • 10 months ago
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Friday is almost here, and that means the long awaited Stellar Blade is finally about to be released. The Korean game that many western game journalists are calling sexist is finally about to be in our “perverted” hands. But that’s not the only good news we’re or more specifically, I was given. Some more Hades 2 news dropped, and we finally got to see some actual gameplay.

Two games I’m very excited for are getting closer and closer to being in my hands. Also, two games you would think may never cross paths, have. But not due to a collab of the two, but because website Kotaku, is praising Hades 2 hot characters, while bashing and looking down at Stellar Blade’s characters.

Kotaku seems to have been slowly going downhill in many gamers eyes, with every article being controversial and out of touch. Hell, drops better gaming articles than them nowadays. With them seemingly adopting a more PC way of thinking, their articles have been down voted by many. The writer of said article is even blocking people who don’t agree with her.

My stance is, both characters are hot, and both deserve to be hot in the games they represent. Both games are portraying sexy characters in a tasteful way. Game developers should not be afraid to make sexy characters, and gamers shouldn’t be afraid to see sexy characters. Sexy people exist, and sexy people are real. So it’s stupid to have a problem if a game character is sexy. Once Stellar Blade releases on April 26, I’ll buy it and play her sexy ass. And whenever Hades 2 drops, I’ll buy it, and grab some boons for Aphrodite, sexy ass.

Do you read Kotaku articles? Are you buying Stellar Blade? Are you getting Hades 2? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Reality 10 months ago
The only people comparing these two are idiot journalists.
MrObvious 10 months ago
Am certainly getting Stellar Blade. It's left quite an impression.
Oddest Ball 10 months ago
Stellar Blade can wait a week for me. I'm wanting to get into Sand Land.
Also, slowly going downhill? They've been going downhill at 50+ mph for years.
Hectotane 10 months ago
Naw. I'm good with Granblue Versus Rising.

Also still waiting for the next update of that Koihime Musou fighting game.
Anon - Diclonius13 10 months ago
Yea, that Mercante seems like the 'leftist, lesbian sjw' type.

Good thing I don't play games based on reviews but my own interests.
fella 10 months ago
Didn't care about Hades 1 so I definitely don't give a shit about Hades 2 and it's hideous art.
I won't be getting Stellar Blade either but that's just cause the game doesn't interest me.
Anon - Anno 10 months ago
*are sexy
Aceofcard 10 months ago
Stella blade got kpop idol face and kpop is turn off