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Redo of Healer is Too Much for TV According to Broadcast Watchdog
By Yung Namahage β€’ 4 years ago
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Issuing a content warning online and airing on TV no earlier than 11PM should be enough to tell people that the currently-airing rape revenge fantasy anime Redo of Healer isn't exactly for kids. But even after all that it's sill prompting people to complain, according to the non-profit, non-government Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization.

The BPO release opinions and complaints they recieve from the public each month regarding programs airing on TV. The 231st BPO Youth Committee meeting last month revealed that Redo of Healer has been a popular topic lately. The anime's graphic sexual content was obviously its biggest talking point in the complaints they recieved, even though the version airing on TV is censored compared to the online broadcast:

"The show's content is immoral, such as using cruel actions and drugs to break down a person, and it is a bad influence for youths."

"Content endorsing violence and sexual assault will have a big influence on youths. Even as a late-night show, it is not suitable for broadcast."

The comments the BPO recieve and publish don't necessarily reflect the opinions held by the organization and its members. The BPO's youth committee discussed the series in further detail during a meeting, where opinions were divided over the controversial anime:

  • "Although it may be a problem if it were in a time slot where children would see it, the extreme scenes use blurred or blacked-out visuals and are not shown clearly. It is difficult to discern the amount of consideration that should be taken for something airing in a late-night time slot. It is necessary to debate this matter frankly."
  • "Compared to other anime, this show focuses on something specific. This may be adopted by many other works. Depending on that, it may be necessary to express a warning so that the breadth of expression does not become narrower."
  • "Is the fact that it's an anime or that it's a late-night time slot being used as a rationalization? Could we have a place to exchange opinions with the managers of the program in order to understand how they are thinking?"
  • "The characters are drawn to look cute, and the dialogue is light. There is a concern that a child could mistakenly believe that this is alright, so I hope that guardians are careful about this."
  • "These days, there's a possibility that it could be seen via a recording even if it does air late at night. Is it possible to create some kind of restrictions on recordings?"
  • "It has extreme content like an adult anime, so even if the screen is blurred, there may still be a problem with allowing this to air on television."

The BPO expressed similar concerns a while back over Interspecies Reviewers. If the BPO recieve a significant amount of complaints over a certain program they do have the power to step in and advise TV broadcasters on how to handle the situation, so let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Have you guys been watching Redo of Healer? Do you think it's too much for mainstream TV, even in a graveyard slot? Drop your thoughts below!

UchihaMaster1 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Fuck these BPO hacks their opinion doesn't mean shit. Just ignore them. In a country as uptight as Japan about education any kid would be in bed long before 11:00 PM. Also they show the censored at that time. The uncensored is more around 3:00 AM. These whiny censorship loving assclowns can go pound sand.
7thManiac 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
I've seen it on a hentai website. Thought it was a hentai at first, till I saw a chapter of the manga. Strikes me as a run of the mill edgy revenge story in a boring stereotype fantasy world, or a hentai with short sex scenes that don't show a lot. I can see why some people like it, but for me it's lackluster as hentai and boring otherwise.
Anon - Bryan Masten 4 years ago
Fucking snowflakes ALWAYS have to bitch about something
koas2367 4 years ago
Seems like people are forgetting that sex scenes in an anime is NOT common. Your typical anime for all the fanservice and implied sexual tension, seem to avoid even suggesting characters had sex. RoH and a few other exceptions dont. RoH probably is too much for tv, but I admire how it dares to challenge conventions. Now just give us a less rapey adult anime where sex is just part of life.
Hectotane 4 years ago
I gotta ask the question: Why Redo The Healer and not Rent-A-Bitch when that shit was airing?

Rent-A-Bitch was too fucking depressing, Interspecies Reviewers was nowhere near as.

Redo is about some guy who got raped in the ass for half a year. Then that shit turned into softcore porn. I've seen better anime porn about revenge. C'mon y'all.
Anon - Vince 4 years ago
I've been wondering how the HELL this series got greenlit.

But hey, I think it's a good thing.

1: If High School DxD comes back, they can do more naked fanservice and get away with it!
2: This might mean that my favorite Isekai, Himekishi ga Classmate might get greenlit in the future! Sure, Redo of Healer makes it look like a romantic harem story, but it still has lots of sex in it.
hin4 4 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
[comment removed]
exodusee7 4 years ago
Considering what's aired on TV, it's fine. Just throw it at late night where kids can't watch it and be done with it,
this isn't hard.
fudge21 3 years ago
I actually admire this show for having the balls to showcase as much as it does. It's a faithful adaptation of the manga and while it's a pretty mediocre anime, I still watch it every week because the revenge story and the ecchi moments are pretty great.

Yes it deserves to exist. It's not the same fucking 600 episode anime where the payoff is holding hands.
revan193 3 years ago
There's warnings about the content of the Anime, it's aired at 11H00 pm. If there's people stupid enough to watch and then complain afterwards, it's their problem.