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Could Your Marriage Survive An Affair?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago

This season of anime is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to bringing up conversations regarding sex. The recent episode of Mushoku Tensei took me completely by surprise when (ay here it comes, here comes the spoiler for episode 4 if you’re watching it) it turns out Rudy's dad cheats on his mom with the maid. Up to this point I didn’t think his dad was a super morally righteous guy but I didn’t think he was a cheater boy either. Now the ultimate surprise was that Rudy somehow managed to convince his mom and dad to stay together and work it out, at least for right now. I’m still trying to figure out exactly how I feel about it too.

Cheating is some scary shit and it’s been tackled on the blog section before by Kinky. In that situation though he was talking about girlfriends. For me, I know if a girl cheats on me at the girlfriend stage I’m packing it up. Like hot damn this is supposed to be the part where we’re fucking everyday and still finding out new interesting things about each other before settling into the more routine and stable lifestyle that marriages brings. If you can’t even stick by me during that period you’re definitely gonna be fucking my neighbors, my friends, and my neighbor’s friends behind my back (and in front of it too probably) during the marriage. So that’s an easy dump and move on. But man a marriage itself is a whole other beast.

Stay strong brothers, do not fall for the temptations.

As we all know, marriage is another word for paperwork central. Getting a divorce is no joke and can lead to all kinds of legal fuckery one way or the other. Unlike breaking up with a girlfriend it’s a huge time and money commitment and depending on how much I’d stand to lose it would be hard to pull the trigger, especially if the partner regretted the cheating and said they’d never do it again, they’d do anything to keep me, blah blah blah. Then if there’s a kid involved like Rudy? Holy shit now it’s gonna be extra hard to walk away. On the other hand, if I end up staying together with her out of frustration I’m probably just going to be unhappy which obviously won’t be right by the kid anyway. Couple all this with the fact that I’m already a paranoid fuck sometimes, and I guess I’d have to say no, my hypothetical marriage could not survive an affair. I’d be packing my bags and hitting the road. Damn that shit wouldn’t be easy though.

This picture is "oof" incarnate.

Zenith (Rudy’s mom) was put in a hard position where if she kicked the maid out of the house, the maid and her baby would die in the winter, so I understand why she didn’t do that. After all the husband was the one with the commitment to her in the first place. However, so far she’s forgiven him and they moved on with the plot. I’m not sure if it will come up again but all I can say for right now is: couldn’t be me. Do you think your marriage (real or hypothetical) could survive an affair? Would you try to look past the mistake and keep going like Zenith or bail out like me? Be faithful boys and girls and leave a comment below!