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Crunchyroll Removing Hentai From RightStuf
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

A lot of hype and good news came from Crunchyroll Expo 2022, but, with good news, always comes bad news, depending on how you look at it. Crunchyroll has just closed their deal and partnership with RightStuf, now bringing us Right Stuf Anime.

Which alot of people are fearing since when companies start being able to monopolize everything, services start getting complacent and lazy. Without competition, there’s no reason to improve and deliver quality services, since you have no one else for the people to go to. This also begs the questions. All those hentai from Kitty Media that I linked you guys to buy from RightStuf, they're still going to be available right?

Well, yes and no. You figured since Crunchyroll is a more PG company and doesn’t work in the industry of hentai, that they would have to do something about the 18+ anime products that RightStuf sold, which I really liked and commended them for. Well, they have a backwoods kind of website that they throw all the gross hentai that they don't like on. It’s called EroAnimeStore…a pretty generic name not going to lie.

Now, this isn’t an auto bad thing, but depending on how Crunchyroll handles it, it could turn out to be shit. So many companies in the end of the day don’t really care about things that invovle sex or considered 18+ (unless that company is They usually abandon them or try to avoid anything connected to lewds. So this EroAnimeStore can easily be buried and abandoned by Crunchyroll pretty soon. Luckily, you can still purchase all your hentai products from Amazon. Which is a busting site if I do say so myself.

What did you think about Cruchyroll partnering with RightStuf? Do you think Cruchyroll will ruin and abandon their hentai side? Do you use Amazon for hentai? Tell us in the comments.