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Racist, but in a Sexy Kind of Way?
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 years ago
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When I saw this shit release on, I took one good look at it and saw that it had a desperate and disheveled housewife, a big ass black guy with a huge dick, and a good amount of dialogue. With all that thrown into one doujin, I knew this was going to be an automatic pick up for your boy Kinky. But, I didn’t expect to see that a lot of people on shared the same excitement for the doujin based on the fucking racists.

Now people might be thinking to themselves, “But Kinky, this doujin isn’t racist. They never even said that the guy was black?” And to that I say, of course this doujin is racist! Or at least, it plays into the racist stereotypes. A japanese housewife that’s all by herself gets a visit from a random black foreigner and jump straight to the conclusion that he’s a criminal. It’s clear to see what the author was going for, but that isn’t a bad thing. Raceplay is a thing, and the author played into that kink. The housewife accusing the man of being a criminal and her remarks about him not being human made it even better. The doujin was an enjoyable read from start to finish. And the twist of him not actually being a rapist, but instead making the housewife kind of the rapist instead, good shit! Shit so good, I might think about putting it on my list of audio doujins I need to do…:/

But don't worry. I'd be scared of this big motherfucker too!

DId you enjoy this doujin? What do you think of raceplay? Would you like to get raed by this housewife? Tell us in the comments below.

Anon - Mando 6 years ago
I like this one I thought it was funny how the dude started too freak out when she pulled his pants down. Im just glad to have a doujin with the black guy not being the villain. The only other one I can think of is the story with three high school grads fucking their black English teacher as a thank you gift for being a good teacher.
Hectotane 6 years ago
Speaking as a Black man myself; our point is to live our lives and go wherever we want WITHOUT being labeled as criminals.

All of these so-called "1st world countries" who couldn't even accept other people who aren't them as human beings. This is why all this bad shit is happening in the US and abroad. This needs to stop.
Rasendori!!! 6 years ago
Holy Shit it's really hard to keep a boner up as you're laughing your ass off. Christ, this lady's assumptions are hilarious.
Anon - Anon 6 years ago
Wait, that guy was black?
Anon - Chaos 5 years ago
From what I recall it was more about the guy being big and looking scary rather than about him being black. If the guy was white the story wouldn't be any different.
Oliveran 6 years ago
I don't even think about it as a thing, whether the villain or whatever is black or It's about how hot the drawing can be, or how evil the actions of the character can be made with a bit of

In other words, who cares, if I have to think about it there's a gazillion white villains in a gazillion movies, yet nobody cares there WHICH IS GOOD!