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Ayla is Old, but Still Sexy
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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I was recently going back to some of my favorite Let’s Players, Two Best’s always sad when I remember them. I was watching their Chrono Trigger Let’s Play and when they ran into Ayla, it made me remember how much I loved her. It’s something about her cave woman vibe, and way of talking that gets to me. She has no knowledge of how humans of today's standard acts or behaves, which makes me believe that sex with her would be something wild. Ayla would definitely be a top and the one who would be in charge in bed. Giving you that good snu snu.

And I know there’s two other girls, Marle and Lucca, but they have nothing on Ayla for me. You think Marle or Lucca would fuck on the rocks like Ayla would.

Do you think Ayla is the best girl in Chrono Trigger? Would you fuck a cave woman? Would you fuck on the rocks? Tell us in the comments.

striderh 5 years ago
you pay less attention to the rocks when getting snu snu'd by ayla. though there's the possiblity of broken pelvis, but still the best girl ever. we had snu
lucca never did anything for me and marle was interesting, but ayla still definately no 1
MrObvious 5 years ago
Snu snu is great, yes I'd get it on with her. The whole fucking on rocks thing may be uncomfortable but she will definitely alleviate that!
Anon - Давид 5 years ago
I've never played Chrono Trigger, but frankly, I'd like to see more Ayla. She looks amazing, and I would create something new in her NSFW, too.
Anon - Jumbo Slice 5 years ago
Really, on the rocks?!?!?
Harko 5 years ago
I´m more into Lucca. Nerdy girls are always better, like Belma ;-)
Anon - Just a person 5 years ago
The streamers are the game grumps if anyone wants to watch the playthrough.
Tuskor13 5 years ago
Really? On the rocks?
Anon - Rengekiyo 5 years ago
I miss the super best friends, the videos are always naturally funny to me in my opinion.
tanakaba 5 years ago
When I was a kid, I had a crush on Ayla. Not only was she a hot blonde, she straight up punches dinosaurs to death.
lordbrian32 5 years ago
yes she is the best in the game, yes if it was ayla, i wouldn't mind the rocks if ayla is doing me