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The Bush Is Too POWERFUL!!!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

A Power figure is going crazy over on the internet. If you’ve read Snooze’s article, you’d know all about the Power figure. The figure is really well made, and looks amazing, but it’s missing one of Power’s signature traits. And that’s her hair.

Oof, wrong hair.

Now I know that we’ve never actually seen Power’s pussy in the anime/manga, but a lot of people just pointed out that they don’t think Power would be a one to shave. Which is true, hell, this is the girl who said she doesn’t really bathe or flushes the toilet. What’s going to make you think that she’s going to take the time to shave her pussy. Daddy Aki would have to handle that for her, which…doesn’t really seem like a bad gig.

I feel like the people making the figure didn’t really think that deep into it. They just wanted to make a hot and sexy Power figure. But, they could have thought of the idea and decided not to because they figured it would ruin the figure. Some people are afraid of the female bush, so it’s understandable. But for me personally, I think having a little hair down their, would have added to the figure. But why does my opinion matter, I wouldn’t have bought the figure either way.

Do you think Power shaves her pussy hair? Would you shave Power’s pussy for her? Would you buy the Power figure? Tell us in the comments.