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Mori Calliope Is Now a Lewd and Sexy VTuber
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 4 years ago
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I talked about if it's okay to lewd real people like the wrestler Asuka, now let’s change it up. Is it okay to lewd VTubers? They’re not technology humans, but there are people who play those characters as if it’s them themselves. But, whether it’s okay to lewd them or not, I’m happy we do have some lewds of the sexy VTubers out there, and one of them I’m super happy for are the Mori Calliope lewds.

Now I’m not so big into the VTubers scene like the boi Snooze is, but I do know a little about Calli (yes I call her Calli, we’re on that level of friendship). She’s the VTuber I know the most about, and she's also the sexiest one out of all of them. She speaks both English and Japanese. She’s a crazy bitch with pink hair like every anime yandere. She has a sick ass scythe. The bitch can also rap! Now that’s fucking DOPE!

What do you think of Calli? Do you think it’s okay to lewd VTubers? Is there a VTuber that you think is hotter than Calli? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Anon 4 years ago
It's ok to lewd vtubers if they approve, like Marine.
Anon - Kamen Writer 3 years ago
If the vtuber in question is cool with it, cool. If they ask to stop, stop. Simple as that, really. Vtubers are still people playing a role, but that role is still an embodiment of the person. There sometimes is no disconnect at all so saying "they are just characters" is only half true. So again, it's all down to them. Like ironmouse: she is cool with it. Then dope.
kuchinonaka 3 years ago
i don't even follow vtubers but heck yeah
Dreammur 3 years ago
Just like an actor, they're playing a character, people are going to make stuff using that character.
exodusee7 3 years ago
It's not up to them whether they're lewded or not. The minute they put themselves out there, it's just something that
is going to happen.
Master O 3 years ago
I saw her on an episode of the Trashtaste podcast, pretty funny
Anon - Yoyo 3 years ago
Anon - fuck a girl eat a ba 3 years ago
Meh i mean they kinda lewd themselves if you think bout it in all seriousness
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Already said my piece on it.