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Red Pencil Is Helping You Become a Lewd Artist
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

The same way you have to warm-up a girl with foreplay before you penetrate her, you have to warm-up your lewd drawing hand before you create your masterpiece. But, you need a good partner and someone with experience for good foreplay, and that’s where lewd artist HBeatsArt comes in, with their art book, Red Pencil.

Red Pencil ???? collects 4 months of my warmup sketches into a digital art book. Enjoy over 80 pages of sketches, ideas, and drawing lessons for only $14.99.

This is more than just an art book. Learn how warmups help you:

  1. Beat art block

  2. Inspire character designs and stories

  3. Improve your future artworks

I also share lessons that you can apply regardless of level, such as:

  • How warmups changed my drawing process and made my art better

  • How you can build a daily drawing habit

  • Start and finish commission work faster with the warmup practice

  • and more!

What are you waiting for? Get the book and see how warmups can up your art ????

After reading and looking through the book myself, I can say that it’s a very helpful book that just opens your eyes and mind to different ways to go about art. It’s also just a good book if you’re into looking at lewd art or art in general. Beats has their own style and way of going about things, and it really shows in this book. They also talk about themselves, and how that can help when it comes to art. Giving it a more personal feel. It’s an art book with personality and helpful advice.

And hey, if you’re reading this article on this site, you get a special deal. If you type in code “verykinky” on Gumroad, you get 20% off Red Pencil. So what are you waiting for, future lewd artists, go get that book and start your warm-ups. You can also visit their site for more.

Do you draw? Would you like to get into drawing? Do you think everything needs a good warm-up first? Tell us in the comments.