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Kaho Shibuya Shows Her Moves
By Kasaix β€’ 5 years ago
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Kaho Shibuya, for those unawares, is a former AV actress. For the life of me, I have no idea from where. Apparently she's super popular. I came across this beauty by chance, a Twitter video of a sexy woman in skimpy attire bouncing around and showing some actual boxing prowess. The video can be seen HERE. A screen shot is below.

I'm a fan now. Sexy badass girls always do it for me. 

As a bonus: how is she typing? A strategically placed GoPro? 

Anon - Scrub DM 5 years ago
Her jab has no snap to it, she drops her right hand before throwing it, I'm not sure if that first 3 was a right hook or uppercut (bad mitt job) but she does a good job of keeping her eyes on the mitts and has a good slip coming up with her eyes up as well and ends with a good right-left combo and kick, just needed to immediately go back into the defense position.
ZeOmega 5 years ago
That is some top tier jiggle *cough* I mean boxing.
MrObvious 5 years ago
You can't go wrong with an AV gal sporting tight/skimpy gym clothes. Come to think of it we need more of that in the world, literally!
Mechalife 5 years ago
She mastered the true dempsy roll.