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Does Anyone Still Care About The Xbox?
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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I remember back in the day when people used to fight over which was the beter console out of Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Well, over the years, Microsoft has been fucking up on the way they’ve tried marketing the Xbox consoles, with their game exclusives and confusing naming conventions. And that brings us here to the present day with the Xbox Series X, a console that I believe most people don’t own.

People have been making fun of the way Microsoft has been naming the Xbox consoles ever since the Xbox One, which was a confusing timeline. And now, people are confusing the Xbox Series X with a mini fridge. Xbox isn’t getting any respect nowadays. Hell, the meme got so crazy, that they decided to double down on it.

So it has a shit name, it’s being compared to a mini fridge, but it has to atleast have good exclusive games on the Xbox Series X right? Well, kind of, I’m not going to be a hater and say that the Xbox doesn’t have good exclusives, hell, one of my favorite games of this year was Hi-Fi Rush, which is a Xbox exclusive…kinda. It’s better to say that it’s a Microsoft exclusive, since you can also play it on PC. And that’s the problem that Xbox runs into. They don’t have any exclusive games actually.

An actual banger.

Most games that are exclusive to Xbox, can be played on PC. So the Xbox Series X turns into just a gaming box for people who don’t have a gaming PC. But if you have a gaming PC, there’s no real benefit to owning a Xbox Series X, since you’ll just pretty much have the same game selection. If you have a gaming PC and a PS5, you can at least play Playstation exclusive on it, that you wouldn’t get on PC.

So at this point, Xbox just seems like a not so worthwhile console. Maybe huge fans of Xbox might still fuck with the system for some reason. But, I’ll just stick to my Xbox Mini Fridge.

I gotta get me one.

Do you own a Xbox Series X? Do you think Xbox is a dead console brand? Would you get the Xbox Mini Fridge? Tell us in the comments.