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Crunchyroll Censors Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? MEMORIA FREESE
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 6 years ago
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You know what really grind my gears? Censorship. I did an article recently on Is Censorship Ever Good? And today is a clear example of when I think censorship is stupid and unnecessary. What makes it even worst is that the people behind the censorship, Crunchyroll, don’t even consider it censoring.


Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? MEMORIA FREESE is a mobile game adaptation of the anime and light novel of a similar name Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? or DanMachi. The game is a turn based RPG where you collect a party of adventures that travel through dungeons encountering foes and fighting them. Think of it as the DanMachi equivalent of Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle.



And with many games like this the main focus is the gacha system where you collect different characters from the show. Now this is where the problem comes in. With DaniMachi focusing heavily the female characters, when you unlock a character you’re able to become acquitted with them. This will unlock new quests and dialogue. You can also, get this, TOUCH THEM!!! Touching the girls will make them give you various reactions, which is usual that of anger because you know, girls don’t like being touched without permission. But the thing is, this feature is only in the Japanese version this was axed out of the English release.

But the girls are so hot! How can I not touch them.

The English release was published by Crunchyroll, who was in charge of this change. One of Crunchyroll’s community team member responded and stated that the removal was that of appropriation, rather than censorship (which is another way of saying β€œwe censored this but please don’t be mad at us.”)


This is the community member’s response:

"Hi! Official DanMemo Community Team here. The "touching" feature was removed from the English version of the game, yes. Not as a matter of censorship or depriving non-Japanese audiences of anything, but due to what is appropriate and not appropriate for English audiences. Hope that answers your question!"

I think the whole touching shit is stupid anyways and really doesn’t interest me, but I still believe it didn’t need to be cut out. The real thing that pisses me off is the bullshit excuse, β€œwhat is appropriate and not appropriate for English audiences.” Oh, I’m sorry, are you my mother now, telling me what is appropriate and not? I’m a 21 year old man got damn it! I can touch a 2D woman’s boobs if I want to.

Well lucky for me my DanMachi waifu doesn't have boobs, so it doesn't effect me. Take that Crunchyroll!

ο»ΏSo what do you think? Do you are with Cruchyroll statement and actions? Do you care for the whole touch feature? Have you played s it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? MEMORIA FREESE ? Tell us in the comments below.

HazardPhoenix 6 years ago
Censorship. I hate it. That's why whenever anyone says they're not going to censored/remove anything, I say prove it. Like Oddest said Fates all over again, or anything from Japan coming to the US. Because sex is bad, and evil, while violence is good, and the only option.
Oddest Ball 6 years ago (edited 6 years ago)
It's Fire Emblem: Fates all over again. Except with an inferior property this time.
Kasaix 6 years ago (edited 6 years ago)
It's bad enough they censored it, but it's even worse to try to cover themselves from fan anger and say "it just wasn't appropriate" and walk away like their shit don't stink. So it's appropriate for the Japanese audiences, but not the US audiences? They advertised the mechanic in a trailer video and still removed it. They also said they weren't censoring it in a tweet. That's false advertisement.
revan193 6 years ago (edited 6 years ago)
You know, the Anime "Shakugan No Shana" almost got a French translation but why it never happened? Because according to some huge morons, Shakugan No Shana promotes pedophilia because of the female main character (Shana, who looks like a 13-14 year old girl) and one of the youngest antagonists who's "too close" to another one.
dw7freak 6 years ago
If you're gonna remove a gameplay feature just to censor it, you may as well not even localize the game. Can you even call it the same game at that point?
ZeOmega 6 years ago
Damn, and it actually sounded interesting at first. Yeah I can't stand when companies do that when bringing over the product. Thought Policing is annoying as hell and will probably cause the game to lose its intended audience, as well as cause the game's quick death. I really worried they would do that when it came to Fate Grand Order as well. So far they haven't but the worry is there.
Abaoth 6 years ago
This makes my blood boil. I actually do not like touch features in games, because I personally find them cringe and time consuming. But I don’t think they need to be removed from games entirely just because someone might get offended about it. The rampant sensitivity of humanity is really starting to get to me.
Mathiason 6 years ago
Haven't played it but shouldn't have removed touching feature. Instead of censorship should put age ratings on games, warnings of content, on/off button for censorship in settings, and let gamers decide themselves. Always drives me crazy about people saying America is a free country but oking censorship because offensive. If don't like content don't play game. Parents use parental
Anon - Economics 6 years ago
We didn't censor anything. We just removed content that we believe is not appropriate for you.
Anon - Anon 6 years ago
Really Crunchyroll? The show was barely lewd to begin with and so is the game. Censoring is completely pointless and a waste of many people's valuable time