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Audio Doujins: Anis Is The Goddess Of Victory
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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I’m happy that Nikke stuck around. It might not be a big gacha like Granblue or Genshin Impact, but it's a gacha that’s still around and thriving. And that might be because of the girl who carries the series on her already sore back, (big tits joke) Anis. Even with so many different girls getting released, Anis is still one of the fan favorites. Thank commissioner Aguy96 for providing this audio doujin for all of you today. And GudakoGuda is the artist for this doujin, while Opalu is providing the voice for Anis.

Confession of Love

Anis voiced by Opalu

What did you think of the audio doujins? What would you like to hear next? Do you think Anis is the hottest Nikke girl? Tell us in the comments.

tanakaba 1 year ago
Anis is great, but Delta is my waifu. Shame she'll never get any skins.