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Are Harems Appealing To You?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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Ah yes, the harem. A style of anime romance known for being absolute shit minus the rare occasion. In all my years of being a little pervy boy I don’t think I’ve ever watched a single harem anime intentionally. Or if I did watch it, I immediately wish I hadn’t soon after. And I ain’t talking about anime where the MC has like 2-3 possible love interests, I mean a HAREM harem with 4-6 girls or boys up to bat. For today’s article, I’m going to break down the main discussion question here into two parts. 

Part One: Do you enjoy watching harem anime? Obviously I spoiled myself a ton on this one, but the idea of watching some dickhead try to decide between like five girls for twenty minutes each week is simply not my idea of a good time. I already don’t care much for dudes in porn as they remind me of how they’re over there having a good time on set while I’m using my hand for the thousandth time. Now I have to watch some anime guy have multiple girls who want him physically AND emotionally? Ah hell naw. Unless it’s a comedy and a damn good one, I don’t understand the appeal of the premise at all. I know some viewers enjoy it because they self insert into the MC who is living his best life, but I suppose I'm too unimaginative for that sort of thing.

Maybe for like a one time event type of deal, but every day? I couldn't deal.

Part Two: Would you want a harem in real life? Again, I’m feeling a hard negative on this one too with one exception. If I was guaranteed to never end up with a girlfriend unless I dealt with a harem for like six months, I would absolutely do the harem. But otherwise, I don’t think I want to live in a world where I have to deal with four or more people loving me at the same time. That means I have to break at least three hearts unless they’re into polygamy and I don’t think I’d even be into that myself. On paper this sounds like a banging idea but the more I analyze it, the worse it gets. Plus, where the hell would I find the time required to date all those girls to figure out which one I’d want to be with anyway? I’m loaded up enough as it is with work, hobbies, family, and friends. Adding four more to the party? Forget it.

Ah hell nah, anime has lied to me about high school, I know it's lying to me about harems too.

Well, I guess I see why I don’t watch harem anime now. They don’t vibe with me on multiple levels in multiple aspects. No shade to anyone who does enjoy them though. Harems do often have some hot ass contenders that make their way into doujins and I’d never complain about that part. Do you watch harem anime? Would you want your own harem in real life? Find a disguise, evade the flock of girls following you around, make a choice, and leave a comment below!

Returner6th 3 years ago
I tend to enjoy harems in hentai but couldn't care for most regular harem anime. Hentai cuts to the chase and let's you indulge in the fantasy of sex with multiple attractive women. Harem anime, by contrast, often tend to have absurdly dragged out romantic plots that often go nowhere, and it doesn't help if the main character is particularly annoying.
Hectotane 3 years ago
Being honest here: Most of the good harems (and even the bad ones) are from adult anime.

Sexfriend, Tsugou no Yoi Sexfriend. Harem Time, Zettai Junpaku♡Mahou Shoujo, Sweet Home, Honoo no Haramase, Youkoso Elf, even Bible Black to a certain extent. There were great "harems."
jupmod 3 years ago (edited 3 years ago)
I don't mind, especially the harem hentai doujins and anime. Hot to see one guy banging so many girls/women. I'm one "Naruto" fan who loves to see Naruto Uzumaki have a harem. As for real life, not possible, given most women are very territorial when it comes to mates, thus I doubt most women are willing to share their boyfriends with other women. Same with most men. Doubt they will share their girlfriends with other
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
No. Not since i grew up from middle and high school. Honestly i find them kind of annoying and subtract from the plot for the most part. Unless its hentai then who gives a crap.
Eroforever 3 years ago
1: Only if the story is good. Each one has their pros and cons and so long as they are enjoyable with likable characters, I'll indulge. Next Life as a Villainess is a great reverse/bisexual harem. Tenchi Muyo is basically the precursor of all harem anime. Most other anime has only a few characters you really root for, but there are some gems.
2: Fuck no.That would be exhausting to deal with.
exodusee7 3 years ago
I don't particularly care for harem stuff. No matter what they always introduce multiple females that are (usually) better than the main love interest, and the MC never goes with any of them. It's like being teased but purposely choosing to ignore what the reality is. As for RL, no thanks. I'd rather focus on one person than a ton of people.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Used to gladly eat those up when I was younger. Nowadays, I gotta be more discerning though generally the protag has to not be as dense as a black hole and have a better personality than "nice guy". As for having one, I'll admit, I'd want to try. But a foundation of strong logistics has to be established first to keep everyone happy. And maybe a paper trail and checklist for birthdays and presents
Anon - Anonymus 3 years ago
In my heart I am a polygamist.
If several people want to love me and are ok with each other why not have big loving family?
But the odds of all the proper events to line up are a near impossibility.
I will settle for just someone, anyone, that wants to be around me...
Anon - DryOut 3 years ago
See, I grew up with some pretty ecchi harem anime back in the day. And not that than it’s going to have some other appeal be it the action or the comedy, usually the latter. So I am already bias in saying how I do like them.

But ONLY in fiction. In reality having a harem would be an absolute nightmare. Just splitting up your time and having to give each girl their fair share would be exhausting.
Menagere 3 years ago
to love ru I like just because it's funny and boobs, yeah
I don't like any harem animes that aren't comedic

would I want one? if all the girls were okay with it sure, but one is fine too