Everyone went crazy when they revealed that Joker was going to be in Smash Ultimate at The Game Awards. You”ll never see it coming, they said, and not seeing it coming is exactly what happened. They didn’t make the song Last Surprise for nothing. It can predict the future. But Joker isn’t the only one who got an invitation to go somewhere. Panther, or Ann Takamaki, has been invited to the place where the distorted heart of lewd men and women can be heard throughout the reddits, and that’s GWA!
If you’ve been enjoying the audio doujins on this site, or the audio porn I’ve been slowly introducing you guys to, you might get a kick out of this one. I’m actually the one who wrote the script long time ago, so don’t judge me to hard. Here’s the summary:
Ann Takamaki A.K.A Panther has gotten separated from the group while looking for the man with a distorted heart. She is transported into a hotel room, with the man awaiting for her in his bed.
Ann Takamaki Has Cum to Take Your Heart
Did she do a good job as Ann Takamaki? Do we need more anime audio porn? Did you expect to see Ann Takamaki on GWA? Tell us in the comments below.