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Chiitan Is A Sexy Woman?!
By ImJustThatKinky โ€ข 8 months ago
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God, I love me some hot and sweaty girls with six packs. Girls with a fit body is always a win in my book. And a good way for a girl to get hot and sweaty is wearing a huge mascot suit, like aโ€ฆI donโ€™t knowโ€ฆChiitan suit!!!

Dingotoad has spawned a banger art out of nowhere about a popular Japanese mascot. Funny enough, I didnโ€™t hear anything about this mascot until seeing this art. Iโ€™m not sure why a drawing of this mascot specifically, but Iโ€™m not complaining. But I guess there are other people complaining.

A tweet thatโ€™s now deleted because of the negative attraction the OP most likely didnโ€™t expect or wanted to get. A good rule on the internet is if you arenโ€™t ready for the backlash that your post might get, maybe itโ€™s something you shouldnโ€™t post in the first place. No one is really lewding Chiitan the mascot. A hot, sweaty, muscle girl can pop out of any other mascot suit, so I donโ€™t know why this is such a big issue with the guy. Hell, Chiitan seems to like it.

And everyone else who drew fan art seems to like it as well.

So again, a new cool and enjoyable sexy meme for the people who can handle a little porn in their life to enjoy.

What do you think of the Chiitan lewds? Did you know about Chiitan before this? Do you think itโ€™s okay to lewd Chiitan? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - King Bitch 8 months ago
This Kenny guy seems like a real fucking loser for bitching about something he has no control or involvement in.
Anon - Name 8 months ago
It's true that not everything needs to be sexualized, but then again hentai was always meant to be the hero we deserve, not need. Can I get an 'amen'?
WM-R 8 months ago
Oh! I think I remember hearing about this. If I recall correctly, as you might expect people began digging through that Kenny fellow's social media. I think they found stuff like his self-insert getting a handjob from Azula of Avatar: The Last Airbender?
MrObvious 8 months ago
Sexy. Have to look this up, can never go wrong with a fit sweaty/smelly lass in gym attire. She's one for the truly cultured.
fella 8 months ago
Kenny sounds like a faggot.
Anon - Kamamura 8 months ago
Slayed.Coom made a video with a hilarious story of how it came to be that they were basically chosen to make a video with this character getting railed while both people are in the suit. Hot as hell.
jupmod 8 months ago
Wow. Now that is one very hot and sexy toned body with abs. I too love those hot sweaty toned female bodies. XD
gxa190 7 months ago
Itโ€™s not really interesting at all. Chiitan is an ad blocker so this is completely made up. Nothing really much to think of it. This guy just drew something he thought up.