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Audio Doujins: Sara and Itto's Sex Duel
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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Genshin Impact had a new character drop, and it’s Arataki Itto, the one and oni. You guys already know that I’m a big Genshin fan, so when the fat ass artist themselves, ThiccWithaQ, made a SaraItto comic, you know I had to give it the audio doujin treatment. Another big Genshin fan, Ruby, did another great job voice Kujou Sara, and your boy, Kinky, voice Arataki Itto (I know, I think his voice should be deep too)

IttoSara Battle

Kujou Sara voice by RubyRed

Arataki Itto voiced by ImJustThatKinky

If you like what Thicc draws and would like to see some of their art early and the inner workings, check out their Patreon.

What did you think of everyone’s performance? What do you think of Thicc’s comic? Do you like the Sara x Itto ship? Tell us in the comments.