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Are Some Girls Truly Too Hot?
By WakeUpSnooze • 10 months ago

Anime girls are fake. Every last one of them isn’t real. Damn. Or perhaps, sugoi? The fact that anime girls are fake means my normal types and preferences may not apply. For example, when it comes to real girls I have this, uh, complex. Not like an incel complex, but rather a complex that once they reach a certain level of hotness, they start becoming less attractive to me. I take that back, they are still ridiculously attractive, but less desirable. I think I’m a pretty decent looking dude. You’d never guess I watch anime based on my demeanor and appearance (much thanks to my recent gym trips for that) which I consider to be a massive win. However every man has his limits. I’d say I sit comfortably around the 7/10 range depending on a girl’s type. When I see a girl that’s like 10/10 with an ideal body type and great features, I pretty much give up any hope I ever had of dating her.

Let’s clarify. If she came up to me for some fucking reason, I’m not saying I’m going to get so nervous I hit her with a Looney Tunes Daffy Duck stutter and run away, but I will definitely be feeling self conscious. On top of that, I’ll be thinking “One mistake and it’s fucking over. This girl could have Jason Mamoa smitten by midnight, one single error and she’ll be on to the next of 1000 willing guys clamoring to shoot their shot”. This distinction became prominent to me whilst I was having a chat with Kinky. He was showing me the amazingly attractive Yuziriha from Hell’s Paradise cosplayer he found and then had also shown me a Persona 5 Makoto cosplayer. It’s clear for me to see that I believe the former to be objectively more attractive, but I found myself spending more time gazing at the Makoto girl. She’s at the perfect level of cute that I could see myself with. Super sexy without being so beautiful that it feels like I’m looking at an art piece instead of a human. Obviously none of this applies to doujinland for me as in that medium everything is already a fantasy.


This is brilliant.

But I like this.

So there’s my psychotic take of the week. I’m curious to see if anyone out there has any similar feelings or if this sounds like the ramblings of a madman. What are your preferences in real life partners? When someone is insanely attractive, do you still fawn over them or give up? Have you ever approached someone you considered to be a 10/10 before? Scout a potential partner, assess their power level, and plot your next move in the comments below!