I told you I would keep you updated on when the 3D Marvel Rivals porn started dropping, and I’m going to own up to that promise. The resident thicc enjoyer, FUGTRUP, has hopped off the Overwatch Mei train, and is now going for the Marvel Rivals Squirrel Girl train, and I’m all here for it.
And I don’t want to gloss over other 3D artists, Apone3D is also showing off their thicc squirrel love. Characters like this get a lot of people excited, so first come, first serve. And if you’re the first one to hop on the trend, it’s more likely for you to start gaining that attention. Which is a good way for us to find new artists we have never heard about.
And to wet your appetite just a little bit more, I present you with an animation loop by TheMadCommander. Not a full on animation, but with this model available, you can bet one will be soon to follow.
So I hope everyone is enjoying Marvel Rivals and enjoy the hot porn that will inevitably come.
What do you think of Squirrel Girl? What kind of porn would you like to see her in? Do you like how thicc she is? Tell us in the comments.
Doreen Green needs to find a way to differentiate herself from Makoto. I'm sure she'll succeed.