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Anime Expo 2024 Reveals and Releases
By ImJustThatKinky • 8 months ago
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Anime Expo just happened, and it came with a lot of announcements. Some reveals, new releases, and confirmation of new seasons for already beloved anime. So I’ll just give you a run down of what dropped during Anime Expo 2024. So here are the new seasons, for already existing shows.

Then we got new releases and reveals.

So if any of this tickles your funny bone, then I’m happy for you. You know, since something I've been begging for like NORAGAMI SEASON 3!!! Wasn’t there. But…I’m still happy for you guys…

Is it anything you see that you’re excited about? What would you have liked to see get announced? Have you ever been to Anime Expo? Tell us in the comments.

Void-Lord 8 months ago
Undead Unluck season 2 is all I ask for.
MrObvious 8 months ago
Bleach is the big one for me, then Panty and Stocking especially given the cliffhanger it was left on.
Anon - Excited 8 months ago
Oh cool Arifureta is getting another season! Objectively it's really kinda mid, especially the CGI (which was just mediocre after improving in S2), but I love the damn thing. And Fire Force is finally coming back, I was half-convinced that just wasn't getting anything else!
ZanoKuro 8 months ago (edited 8 months ago)
[comment removed]
magewolf 8 months ago
no new trailer for the overlord movie? or the ancient magus bride season 3?
Anon - Kadoc Zemlupus 8 months ago
Assuming that the Panty and Stocking sequel gets a dub, I have to wonder how Jamie "Augustus Gloop" Marchi is going to fit in the recording booth considering the fact that she's now so fat that she has her own orbit.