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Top 8 Best Doujins Ever
By Kasaix β€’ 6 years ago
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In honor of Easter, a time of renewal and hope, we here at Doujins have compiled a list of the best eight doujins we could possibly find. We hope you enjoy the list. You'll notice no black star premium doujins, so everyone will be able to enjoy this! If we missed any of your favorites, or have any thoughts about the list, don't hesitate to comment them below.

1. Love the Zombie Girls to Death! by Circle Kuroi

 In a new twist on the zombie apocalypse formula, a man finds himself alone against a hoarde of zombie girls, and proceeds to have sex with them to cure them of the zombie virus.

2. It's not like I don't want to! by Keita

A girl can't get serious with her boyfriend, but finds that she can get serious with girls.

3. My Enemy, My Lover by Studio Meiichi

A girl is sworn to protect humanity from a threat beyond the stars. However, she meets the enemy general and is immediately smitten with him.

4. Perspective by Lunar Key

A girl loses her artistic talent after a friend betrays her and takes credit for her masterpiece. An artistic rival helps her regain her spirit.

5. Let's Sing Together by Raitokun

Three boys meet and form a band. They discover that they sing best behind closed doors.


6. You're not my Daddy! by Reimun

A professional fighter has to win over his girlfriend's daughter before he can sleep with his girlfriend.

7. Inu-kun and Neko-chan by Maikuru

A cat girl and dog boy fall in love.

8. Fear a Love-Struck God! by Kamisumi 

 A girl is chosen to be sacrificed to prevent a catastophy. The god sent to witness it falls in love with the girl and decides to save her. When he fellow gods tell him off, he pretty much tells them to shove it and fix things himself.

Oddest Ball 6 years ago
You bastards.
akirakun 6 years ago
not even mad lol. clicked the first one and had a good laugh but damnit you got me at #7 because i really thought there was a draw with me like fan series lmao
TheIronLich 6 years ago
Okay, I admit ya got me
Doujinking20 6 years ago
Zomcom was still funny so thanks anyway.
dw7freak 6 years ago
They never said they were hentai doujins.
ZeOmega 6 years ago
Damn you. I should just stay off the internet this day. First Tokyo Ghoul, then an update from from one of my favorite book series. Now this.
HazardPhoenix 6 years ago
I'm too cynical. Sure happy endings in hentai are something I enjoy, sort of. Yet I can't. I haven't read any of them, but as long as there is nothing horrible in them, and it's all positive. That's all that matters. I'm coming across as a hypocrite. This better not be an April fools Kasiax, spend the night drinking with my friends.
ReDe3m3r 6 years ago
Definitely not.
EtoKi 6 years ago
that one that took me to furry force made me want to jump out the closest window lol