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Are Games Normalizing Sexual Harassment?
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 years ago
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Games are still getting hit with claims of causing violence and sexual harassment. Today we’ll be talking about the later. Valkyria Chronicles 4 has been released and is getting hit with fire by one writer for trying to normalize sexual harassment.

The game scene in question is one where Raz, the bad boy and douche of the group, made a comment towards another character ,Kai, a woman. Kai made it a point to Raz that  in the army, woman are also seen as men, as equals. Which Raz, in a normal douchebag manner, goes up to Kai, grabbing her ass, and stating, “No guy’s got an ass this tight.”

With other instances of not so tasteful remarks being targeted at women, prompted the writer to say that games showcasing things like this is normalizing sexual harassment, which hurts me deeply hearing that. Raz is an asshole, I expect him to do something as stupid as randomly grab a girl’s ass. That’s his character. I don’t see Raz grabbing a girl’s ass and think, “Wow, I guess that means it’s okay to grab a girl’s ass without permission! If Raz can do it, why can’t I!” No, that’s stupid. That’s like saying anime normalizes that it’s okay to punch a guy in the face just on the assumption that he’s being a pervert.If anyone plays Valkyria Chronicles and think it’s okay to grab a girl’s ass, then that’s the fault of the person, not the game.

That's my boy Raz. Keeping it 100.

Why do people love blaming games for topics such as this? Is Raz just speaking the truth? Would you grab Kai’s ass? Tell us in the comments below.