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Experience Tama from Third Street in a Different Way
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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This isn’t an audio doujin, but the talented NSFW voice actress Evelyn went ahead and made an audio story of one of her favorite doujins. Evelyn recreated the first chapter of Tama from Third Street in audio form.

This was a treat to listen to, with sound effects and extra added dialogue to help paint the scene now that it’s not in a doujin format really brought the audio to life. I’ve never read Tama from Third Street, but this audio made the experience for me without reading the source. I even went to check out the doujin afterwards. She’s only done chapter 1 so far, but she may do more chapters in the future. You can listen to the full version HERE, and you can also read the doujin while listening.

What did you think of the audio? Have you ever read Tama from Third Street? Would you like to hear the other chapters? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Potato 4 years ago
If you haven't read it yet it pretty wholesome
JohnnyGB3043 4 years ago
This was good, so good I really want you guy to do comic dubs for all 3 chapters of Tama from Third Street
tanakaba 4 years ago
Never heard of it, but the audio is good. It always impresses me how much better voice actors are at communicating emotion with their voice than I am, or regular porn actors for that matter.